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NaJoPoMo 2012 In which Z is cultured: 'Skyfall'

Post 21


I do voluntary work for a befriending project and the the young person wanted to see it.

NaJoPoMo 2012 In which Z is cultured: 'Skyfall'

Post 22


You don't like action movies and you've NEVER SEEN A BOND FILM BEFORE? How are we even friends?

Seriously, though, good review, really must see the film.

NaJoPoMo 2012 In which Z is cultured: 'The Scope of Skepticism' (A book)

Post 23


I'm a member of two bookgroups. Yes, I am overcommitted. Though to be honest I don't watch TV. One of my bookgroups is a The Edinburgh Skeptics Bookgroup. We're the first Skeptical Bookgroup in the UK, though I believe that Manchester Skeptics copied us soon afterwards. I spent most of today in the office, but I had a 2 hour break to go to my bookgroup.

When people find out that you are involved in the skeptic movement one of the first questions they ask is 'what's skepticism?', the other question they ask is 'why are you wasting your time on that, haven't you got a PhD to write?'. Skepticism is about taking science and critical thinking and applying it to everyday life things.

This month's book was 'The Scope of Skepticism' by Kylie Sturgess. It's a collection of interviews from a podcast with various figures in the skeptical movement. If there's one thing I got from this book it's the fact that the skeptical movement doesn't have a coherent voice. That's actually rather obvious when you think about it, considering that it's about thinking for yourself. There are interviews with those who are athetist, those who are theist but ok with being skeptical, those who are feminist and speak out against sexism with the skeptic movement, not to mention Stephen Fry, and others.

I rather enjoyed it, though it didn't seem to have anything coherent message wise, and it sparked an interesting discussion. We got a new member who was rather skeptical about skepticism, so we certainly had a robust debate. It kept us busy for the afternoon, which was always nice and we've got some great ideas for books for the next month or two.

NaJoPoMo 2012 In which Z is cultured: 'The Scope of Skepticism' (A book)

Post 24

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo 2012 In which Z is cultured: Midaq Alley a Novel'

Post 25


I was at my other book group this evening. We read books in translation from around the world. I'm overcommitted and I need to cut back on stuff. I know. I"m just not sure what to cut back on.

Anyway This month we read Midaq Alley, a novel set in 1940s Cario. It's an ensemble piece that winds through the lives of the residents of an Alley in Cario. Uncle Kamil sells sweets, Karia the cafe owner is chasing a younger man, theres' an unqualified dentist and a man who makes people cripples so they can make a living as a begger. Not to mention a beautiful young woman who Abbas is in love with and a factory owner. The novel winds in and out of their lives, but without any clear narrative. Anecdotes happen to each character, but they didn't seem to be changed by them, or to grow. In a way it felt like a soap opera. Coronation street in 1940s Cario.

I found it throughly diverting, but the lack of narrative arch means that it's sadly unlikely to stay with me.

NaJoPoMo 2012 In which Z is cultured: Midaq Alley a Novel'

Post 26

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

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