This is the Message Centre for Josh the Genius
Racism and the Right Wing
Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels Posted Sep 27, 2002
Dear Ste,
Oh, that I had a few hours to just sit here and list all of the differences. The U.S. has its shortcomings, and plenty of them, but by and large, we are of the best if not the best country in the world for many reasons. I do not have time to get very deep into it today, but at some point in the next few days, I will attempt to address this issue in depth, because it IS something in which I firmly believe, and which I can explain (at least to the extent of my personal experience and knowledge).
For today, however, it will have to suffice for me to say that the U.S. has more opportunities for success in more areas than any other country in the world. If you want to get into electronics, you can go to Japan. If you want to get into genetics, you can go to England. If you want to get into potato farming, you can go to Ireland. If you want to get into all three, go to the U.S.
I'm not saying that the U.S. has everything, or even that they are the best at doing everything. I AM saying that for the most part, we have more opportunity to make better quality products (with, of course, the exception of the Chevrolet Motor Company, but you can't win them all), than any other country in the world. Why? Because our economy is better. Why is our economy better? Because we are freer. The European economy is, at the moment, in a bit of a shambles after the switchoff to Euro's. Eventually, it may take off, but they've set themselves back a few years by making such a huge sweep so soon. The U.S. released the new "gold dollar" a couple of years ago - not even coming close to changing the accepted currency, just adding to it - and they never took off. So what happened? The gold dollars just sort of faded out. Sure, you can still find them or get them at a bank, but they're a bit like the silver dollar or the Susan B. Anthony dollar, outdated and unused.
So really, in that respect, I think we've sort of got our heads together a little bit better than most of Europe (England of course, still uses the pound system, which appears to work for them).
That's all I have time for today, but I think that this might just be the beginnings of a new thread for us. There are SO many things to list that I have just touched the tip of the iceberg. So, without further ado, I will sign off for today, and see what you think so far...
Josh, MKOT
Racism and the Right Wing
Ste Posted Sep 27, 2002
Hi Josh,
I see you haven't mentioned any ways that you are more free than, say, europe. But seeing as you've got little time, I'll let you off. I'll be waiting here patiently .
"...we are of the best if not the best country in the world for many reasons."
Yeah, but like all countries in the world you are *not* the best for many reasons also. To go around claiming that you are the best is a little strange to me to be honest.
I can see that the USA has the largest and most dynamic economy and the largest and most expensive military. Those two things are not in question. But making quality products does not a country make (and I wouldn't buy an American car at gunpoint ), that isn't what a nation-state is about. You link the US economy with being "freer", but that, at the moment, is not a persuasive argument because you haven't gone over how you are 'freer' than the rest of us. So I'll wait to comment further after you have described how the USA is more free.
"The European economy is, at the moment, in a bit of a shambles after the switchoff to Euro's."
The Euro has never been stronger against the weakening dollar. It almost reached parity last month, I think. The changeover was quite smooth from what I've heard from the news and people on this site. Making the EU a single economy will make it a more powerful economic entity than the US (currently has similar populations, but a larger economy when all the member countries are added up). Which is why I think the US has the richest economy in the world: Size. It has a huge population and many resources that are exploited in an unfragmented, deregulated market. The EU would create a similar situation (but hopefully one that keeps it's superior healthcare systems and other social programmes), I just think that reform of the EU institutions is badly needed.
The constitution and bill of rights of the USA is admirable indeed, more so than most countries, but when it comes down to practical day-to-day freedoms is America any better than the rest? I'd have to say no. I look forward to your diagreement and subsequent listing of freedoms that you enjoy that EU citizens do not.
Racism and the Right Wing
Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels Posted Oct 7, 2002
Dear Ste and Alji and anyone else watching,
Just to let you know, I'm not dead. I will answer your questions, but you have no idea how little time I have right now. We college people are very busy
Anyway, I'll be back...
Josh, MKOT
Racism and the Right Wing
Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels Posted Oct 11, 2002
Ahh, I see. Well, I haven't gone so far as to drive a car into a building yet, but I've certainly felt like it quite a few times. It's not easy being bogged down.
I have a little time today, so let's start with government regulation. You spoke of something very like a "Big Brother" system, a concept which is quite popular in Europe (and unfortunately is becoming a little too popular in the U.S.) Now, unless you're advocating that sort of thing, why would that not be reason enough to not want to live there? I mean, I don't want someone watching everything I do! Now, I don't want to jump to any conclusions, lest you label me a conspiracy theorist, but doesn't it seem a little odd how every time we hear of some new rule that's implemented in Europe (or many places around the world), some freedom goes with it. My facts aren't complete on all of this, but as I understand it, many nations are now setting up gun control, a foolish mandate of a power-hungry government that has proven itself time and time again to only increase crime rates. We take away a freedom, and we suffer the consequences. Some places in Europe are mandating the switchover to electric cars; which would be fine, if the cars worked half as well as regular cars AND if they were as affordable.
These are just a few, and I'm not even quite sure about all of them (I have too much homework as it is!). The U.S. is in a shambles in many ways, my friend, but we are still by far one of the greatest nations in the world if not THE greatest nation in the world.
Then again, perhaps I'm just a wee bit biased...
Josh, MKOT
Racism and the Right Wing
Ste Posted Oct 11, 2002
Have you not heard of the ironically titled "Patriot Act", which allows the US government to tap into ANY phone calls or emails that it wants to? No government on the planet has such sweeping powers to spy upon its own citizens, it is truly disgusting. And I told you about CCTV cameras in the UK too, go find your own. There are a lot of politicians in the pocket of the RIAA (the record industry) who are actively campaigning to allow the RIAA to hack into any computer it wants to to check to see if they have mp3s, and subsequently prosecute them! This law is likely to be passed! Both of these examples of the invasion of privacy far, far surpasses anything in europe.
"...that has proven itself time and time again to only increase crime rates."
Can you provide me with a source for that rather dubious fact? American cities are renounded as the most likely place you will be murdered in Western civilisation. The UK has the strictest gun control on the planet, and hardly ANYONE is murdered by guns. America is the murder capital of the world. American crime rates soar above the rest of the West. Makes you feel free doesn't it? <- and those are just the high-profile cases.
The USA executes its own citizens. Thou shalt not kill. Remember learning that somewhere? Aaahhh, I can practically smell that particular enlightened freedom that I now enjoy.
No country is forcing anyone to switch to electric cars. That is just a necessary thing that has to happen in the near future if we don't want to make this planet inhabitable for a few millenia. Strange example to pick up on, you must be running out of ideas. Electric and fuel cell cars are expensive and underperforming because they are a new technology. American car manufacturers are at the forefront of fuel cell technology, which should be cheap and reliable enough in a few years. America would be a "freer" place if its economy didn't hinge on a violent and unstable part of the world for its oil wouldn't you think?
"...but we are still by far one of the greatest nations in the world if not THE greatest nation in the world."
And you have convinced no-one that that it indeed true by your last post. Such unfounded attitudes are simply dangerous in todays world.
Racism and the Right Wing
The Dali Llama Posted Oct 12, 2002
I must point out that I have seen the same stats RE gun control and crime that josh has, thogh I cannot give references off the top of my head. I will try to look them up. Also, the violent crime rate in the US is higher than that of the UK even if violence involving guns is removed from the equation. It has more tot do with certain social problems which are more prevalent here, not the mere presence of guns.
Racism and the Right Wing
The Dali Llama Posted Oct 12, 2002
I must point out that I have seen the same stats RE gun control and crime that josh has, thogh I cannot give references off the top of my head. I will try to look them up. Also, the violent crime rate in the US is higher than that of the UK even if violence involving guns is removed from the equation. It has more tot do with certain social problems which are more prevalent here, not the mere presence of guns.
Racism and the Right Wing
Ste Posted Oct 16, 2002
"It has more tot do with certain social problems which are more prevalent here, not the mere presence of guns."
Agreed. But it doesn't help the situation to have the social problems AND have readily available firepower does it?
Still waiting on reasons why the USA is the greatest country on Earth still... Josh? Hello?
Racism and the Right Wing
alji's Posted Oct 19, 2002
Some stats
I) Area - The UK is slightly smaller than Oregon.
II) Population - UK = 59,647,790. Oregon = 3,421,399.
Homicide trends in the U.S.
In the UK, the risk of becoming a victim of violent crime in rural areas in 2000 was 2.4% and in non-rural areas 4.1%.,1586,1703~801b22~fs~en,00.html
Alji ,{Guru},(Join The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)
Racism and the Right Wing
Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels Posted Oct 24, 2002
Dear Ste,
Sorry, folks, but I have let the thread slip again. I had a lot of midterms the last couple of weeks, followed by a very busy Fall break and, what with my already busy life, I just haven't had much time to sit down and ponder the political aspects of life very much.
An interesting point (to some and, I hope, to you) is what I am doing with my spare time. I am now in the midst of an interesting project: I am composing music to the text of the Requiem Mass. Mozart did it; Britten did it; Brahms did it; Lloyd Webber did it; a lot of composers have done it. The Requiem Mass is a favorite among composers, and as I myself am a fledgling in this area, I have begun the process.
For those of you who know anything about the Requiem, I have begun four separate movements: the Introitus, the Dies Irae, the Oro Supplex, and the Benedictus et Sanctus (which is actually two movements combined into one).
Anyway, I just thought I'd explain what I've been doing all this time, so that you wouldn't think ol' Arnie was just slacking off in the corner somewhere.
So, we were discussing freedom. Honestly, the more I look at it, the more I wonder if I wasn't off a bit in my original statement. I'm just not sure that it's only freedom that makes this country the greatest country in the world. I think that maybe it's a lot of things, freedom included. I don't know; hell, it could even just be that I'm a native, and I love my country!
Whatever the reason, though, I think it's noteworthy that America is in fact the land of opportunity, among other rich and wonderful things. Quibbling the tiny facts beyond that is, I believe, a waste of our time. In all honesty, I don't think I have the right or the ability to quibble them very far, since it seems that I am ill-informed in this regard. However, when I have done some research, we can always pick up where we left off: flinging the finely-packed silt in each other's eyes.
Switching from defense to offense, let me ask you a question: what makes any other country better than the U.S.?
Josh, MKOT
Racism and the Right Wing
Ste Posted Oct 27, 2002
Well, for starters, this sort of thing just *does not* happen:
You don't want to quibble, and you don't know why the US is better than the rest of the world because it isn't. It's just your blind patritism talking. See a pattern here? Blind faith renders your critical thinking useless AND blind patriotism does too! It really is quite revealing. Question Josh, question.
Anyway, I'm taking the GRE tomorrow, and I have some practise tests to do. Luckily not music ones else I would fail miserably.
Racism and the Right Wing
The Dali Llama Posted Oct 29, 2002
I just saw a movie on the subjest of why the U.S. has such a high murder rate compared to the rest of the industrialized world. It's called "Bowling for Columbine", and i recommend it to every body on this board.
Racism and the Right Wing
Ste Posted Oct 29, 2002
Ah, the Michael Moore film. I really want to go and see that. It's good then is it?
Racism and the Right Wing
Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels Posted Oct 30, 2002
What kind of sicko would make a movie about Columbine? Haven't we already given that enough press glory? Honestly, today's movies show enough gratuitous violence (not that I'm complaining about all of it; I like a good war movie as much as the next guy), we don't really need someone to make a movie about what happened. We talk about emotional healing for families...well they sure as hell aren't going to get it from having the events constantly brought up, especially in the film industry.
Then again, perhaps they will get a cut of the profits...
Racism and the Right Wing
Ste Posted Oct 30, 2002
That's just the title of the movie. It's satire. It is about the USAs obsession with guns and it is designed to provoke a response just like the one you demonstrated from people just like you.
Racism and the Right Wing
Ste Posted Nov 7, 2002
I have a question for you Josh
As a creationist, what do you think of "flat-earthers"? These are people who, despite all the evidence to the contrary, still honestly think that the Earth is not a sphere, but a flat, round disk. You can point to the fact that people and satellites have orbitted the Earth and seen with their own eyes that it is indeed a sphere, but they'll have none of it. They'll point to conspiracies and try to debunk the "Copernican myth" as rubbish in an attempt to prove their own theory.
Their beliefs stems from a literal interpretation of the bible, they will point to various passages from the bible (from Job to Revelations) to prove that the Earth is flat.
Again, what is your opinion of these people?
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Racism and the Right Wing
- 261: Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels (Sep 27, 2002)
- 262: Ste (Sep 27, 2002)
- 263: Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels (Oct 7, 2002)
- 264: Ste (Oct 7, 2002)
- 265: Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels (Oct 9, 2002)
- 266: Ste (Oct 9, 2002)
- 267: Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels (Oct 11, 2002)
- 268: Ste (Oct 11, 2002)
- 269: The Dali Llama (Oct 12, 2002)
- 270: The Dali Llama (Oct 12, 2002)
- 271: Ste (Oct 16, 2002)
- 272: alji's (Oct 19, 2002)
- 273: Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels (Oct 24, 2002)
- 274: Ste (Oct 27, 2002)
- 275: The Dali Llama (Oct 29, 2002)
- 276: Ste (Oct 29, 2002)
- 277: Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels (Oct 30, 2002)
- 278: Ste (Oct 30, 2002)
- 279: Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels (Nov 6, 2002)
- 280: Ste (Nov 7, 2002)
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