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Journey to Wild Divine

Post 21

Researcher 556780

Oh wonderful your painting again..smiley - biggrin

*lots of pats on the back!*

Journey to Wild Divine

Post 22


We're going to have to send a special envoy to Ireland at this rate; there are only so many Patricks in the world you know. Here; have this one, i've finished with it...

*Plops viking down on JEllens back*

Get him to clean your paintbrushes for you!smiley - devilsmiley - artist


Journey to Wild Divine

Post 23


No thanks, Terri. Don't want him!

Journey to Wild Divine

Post 24


Yay!!!!!! I woke up the Lady of Compassion!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!smiley - ok

Journey to Wild Divine

Post 25


smiley - wowsmiley - somersaultHooray! Well done, JEllen!!!smiley - hugsmiley - somersaultsmiley - wow

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - roseGo on! Take a bow!smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

smiley - bigeyesWhat's the next task?

Journey to Wild Divine

Post 26


The next task is to make a balloon land so I can hop on it and go flying.

Journey to Wild Divine

Post 27


Heya JEllen! This does indeed sound like a lot of fun! New Age Spirtituality, bio-feedback, hee hee! I actually think I'd be very good at it. But of course I don't think I'm easily going to find it in the local shops ...

Journey to Wild Divine

Post 28


You can order it online apparently.

Hey Willem, long time, no squeak! How's things?


Journey to Wild Divine

Post 29


Hiya Terri! Things are actually excellent. I'm exceedingly busy and hardly finding the time to visit h2g2! I'm now just grabbing a few minutes before going to bed. How are YOU doing?

Anyways I will sometime ... when I have time ... check out this game online. Will also depend on what it costs ... the whole thing with all the add-ons and the postage and everything! I'm not exactly rolling in money...

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