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Happy New Year JEllen!
Willem Started conversation Jan 1, 2010
Hello there! Just wanting to wish you a very happy, prosperous New Year with great art, movies, books and anything else! Sorry for not wishing you Merry Christmas ... my internet access shut off without warning just before Christmas day, and I'm ony back again today! So I hope your Christmas WAS very merry! How's Micio? So anyways - thanks again for your friendship, and all the best for 2010!
Happy New Year JEllen!
Ellen Posted Jan 2, 2010
Thank you so much! What a wonderful New Year greeting! I have a slight cold, but aside from that I'm doing fine. Micio too, she says meow. I hope 2010 has good things in store for us. Hugs to you and your family.
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Happy New Year JEllen!
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