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Beatles, etc.
Alfredo Started conversation Jun 9, 2005
Beatles, Cat stevens (sad lisa, etc), Vermeer.
They all had a great impact on my life.
Vermeer ; girl with a pearl earring plays its part in my story;
"searching and meeting a prior love after thirty years".
And the Bealtles in my BBC - Music Memories forum;
Beatles, etc.
Ellen Posted Jul 3, 2005
Please do elaborate. I would love to hear your stories about how some of my favorite things impacted your life. Especially Vermeer. As a artist, I think he is the greatest painter ever.
Beatles, etc.
Alfredo Posted Jul 3, 2005
- My "Music Memory" of "Yesterday" ,by The Beatles.
Beatles, etc.
Alfredo Posted Jul 3, 2005
In relation to Vermeers "girl with pearl earring"
- "Searching and meeting a prior love after thirty years".
Beatles, etc.
Ellen Posted Jul 4, 2005
We are drawn to many of the same things Alfredo. I have the picture Girl with a Pearl Earring over my computer! I like it because it inspired me to do a painting of my niece in his style.
And I love the music of Henry Purcell! Have you seen the movie Restoration? I have that soundtrack, it has lots of his music on it.
That was very touching reading about your finding Melanie again. It was healing to read for reasons I won't go into. You have a very poetic way of writing, I like it!
Beatles, etc.
Alfredo Posted Jul 4, 2005
Dear Ellen,
At this moment I am in my "second home" and when I am in amsterdam again (after few days or weeks) I will surely find te need to get in contact more by using our Entries at h2g2.
Greetings so far.
And you know that the girl with a pearl movie also has been discussed at the other BBC site that spends it's time to art and culture.
greetings, \alfredo
Beatles, Purcell,etc.
Alfredo Posted Jul 6, 2005
Well I ordered the Restoration movie at DVD at a Dutch e-mailashop for only ten euro's.(Region 1)
And there are several sites that sell it.
Beatles, Purcell,etc.
Ellen Posted Jul 8, 2005
Yes, I own Restoration too. I have been trying to find England, My England since I saw your post, but it seems to be out of print here. Too bad! Even Netflix did not have it for rent.
Beatles, Purcell,etc.
Alfredo Posted Jul 8, 2005
I just ordered one at
and has a good reputation, as I can see because they are connected
with a very trustworthy consumers organisation.
And the price of the DVD \?
About ten Euro !
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Beatles, etc.
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