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Sith happens!
Ellen Posted May 24, 2005
Oh please, I may be a Star Wars fan, but I am not out igniting fluoescent tubes!
Sith happens!
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted May 25, 2005
Oh, I just thought they deserved honourable mention in the Darwin Awards
My son, Adam, is clamouring to see Sith. I have to make a tricky decision.
Sith happens!
Ellen Posted May 26, 2005
That is a hard decision! After all it is your claim to fame! If you go see a Star Wars movie then PCandy will be the only person on the planet (almost) who hasn't seen any. Maybe your son can see it with friends - how old is he?
Sith happens!
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted May 26, 2005
Just turned eight. Hmmm. Maybe he'll be happy on his own while I sit in the foyer, guzzling nachos.
Did you see my rave recommendation of Vera Drake? An incredible film!
Sith happens!
Ellen Posted May 28, 2005
Yes, I did, but I'm not sure I can stomach a film about the abortion issue right now. Seems a little heavy.
Sith happens!
Ellen Posted May 28, 2005
By the way, I see you are a Gruffalo! (I thought it was from Where the Wild Things Are, but I was wrong)
Sith happens!
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted May 28, 2005
Damn! I have to change it now.
Vera Drake is not really an 'issues' film. It doesn't ram anything down your throat. It's not so much heavy as intense. But as with all Mike Leigh films, there is a lot of humour - like the characters of Vera's daughter and her boyfriend. In the 70's, Leigh did some stupendous, hilarious, uncomfortably unwatchable farces for TV, such as Nuts in May and Abigail's Party.
We watched Spirited Away last night. Mindblowing! Thanks to Kaz for that one.
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