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Star Wars: The Skeptics Strike Back!
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Started conversation May 11, 2005
I read this in a newspaper last week:,,1476958,00.html I'm sure it will enfuriate you!
Meanwhile...As you know, I'm proud of my claim to fame. But my wife outdid me at the weekend. One of her most endearing traits is a refusal to engage with - or even notice - any form of mass culture. She ploughs her own furrow. The other day, she asked:
"Is there more than one Star Wars film?"
Star Wars: The Skeptics Strike Back!
Ellen Posted May 13, 2005
No, the article didn't infuriate me! *laugh* I found it to be mostly true and rather funny. I do think the writer underestimates the magic of the first two films. That is hysterical about your wife!
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Star Wars: The Skeptics Strike Back!
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