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Post 1


My name's PeaceandGoodwill,
I'm a newbie so I'm still wandering around at the moment....

I am also a fan of Star Wars (all of them)and Leonardo DeCaprio.

I watch films quite a lot, but mostly on t.v because my nearest Cinema is quite hard to get to.smiley - sadfaceAt the moment I'm frustrated beacuse I just can't remember the name of a Tom Cruise movie I saw a few weeks ago and I want to see it again...

Anyway, I visited your link on the White Rose.I've never heared about it before,, so thank you. I don't blame you for calling them heroes, It's amazing how many people you hear about that tryed to really make a difference during World War 2,I really have to respect that.

Just wanted to introduce myself really.

Bye!smiley - biggrin


Post 2


Welcome PeaceandGoodwill, that is a nice screen name.

Glad you liked the link about White Rose.

Enjoy h2g2, and stop by for a chat any time!


Post 3


Thanks!smiley - biggrin

(I'll say something when I've got something to say, things are a little slow.)smiley - erm


Post 4



I seem to have spent the last few days busy doing nothing!smiley - erm

I have ended up seeing, the Lord of the Rings:the Fellowshipsmiley - biggrin- Flipper(1990's film about a dolphin,and a random Star Trek film. An..interesting mix, huh?

Oh,there also was a film with Tom Hanks in, he was a police officer who got a dog. The bit I saw was quite funny.

It's a bank holiday so there's quite a lot on t.v including a behind the scenes look at the Kingdom of Heaven,apparently they didn't use computer special effects at all. In stead of C.G.I they used real people with sheilds weapons etc made for the film,and built 'Jerusalem' in the Saharah-doesn't sound impressive but it was,the scale was HUGE. There was also a look at Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy, which hopefully I'll be seeing later today.smiley - smiley

Like I said I haven't been doing much!

Bye.smiley - cool


Post 5


I am really looking foward to Kingdom of Heaven! I am amazed that none of that was CGI - the previews have enormous battle scenes.

I loved the Hitchhiker's movie, let me know what you think. Hope you get to see it today.


Post 6


I saw the Hitchhikers, and liked it.smiley - smiley

Hillarious but pretty much what I expected really, apart from the Arthur/Trillian/Zaphod love triangle thing, that kind of went in a completely different direction than I thought it would.

One of the funniest parts had to be when Marvin shot the Vogons with the point of veiw gun, a bit embarresing ,though, when I laughed about two seconds before anyone else in the cinema.(I realised what was about to happen.)smiley - blush

I think it was all really well done, hats off to the Jim Henson Creature shop who did the Vogons etc.

I wonder if there will be another film-it was kind of open ended, don't you think? It'd be hard without Douglas Adams to know if you're doing it justice but there seems to be room for a sequal. What do you think?

smiley - biggrinIncidentally did you know the guy inside the Marvin suite (who's name eludes me.) played an Ewok in Return of the Jedi?

Kingdom of Heaven does look good, hope I get to see it.smiley - biggrin

smiley - ok

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