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Merry Christmas JEllen!
Willem Started conversation Dec 24, 2008
Hello! I just want to wish a great big fat Happy Christmas back at you! May your holidays be filled with love, peace and fun!
Merry Christmas JEllen!
Willem Posted Jan 3, 2009
And Happy New Year to you also!
I'm glad you got those cute monkey slippers! A nice gift. Over here me and my folks bought ourselves a mutual Christmas present ... a Colour Laser Printer!
Merry Christmas JEllen!
Ellen Posted Jan 4, 2009
I've been painting. A scene from the Wizard of Oz. It's Dorothy and Glenda. It's very difficult to get it even close to right!
Merry Christmas JEllen!
Willem Posted Apr 12, 2009
Hi JEllen! With me, things are going great. I'm painting a lot these days ... I just finished a large one of a white rhino! I will soon put another batch of paintings online.
I went hiking in the mountains yesterday ... wrote an entry about it in my journal. Quite a scenic region ... here are photos if you're interested:
My dad is doing quite well under the circumstances. Though he feels very tired most of the time, he is not in pain and in fairly good spirits most of the time. He's not getting much work - art or writing - done though. His latest checkup with the blood tests looked great, only his red blood cells are a bit low ... maybe something to do with his tiredness! He said he would have liked to go with me to the mountains but physically he wouldn't have been up to it. I'm going to see if we can do something fun and non-strenuous together this coming week.
Thanks for being interested! How are things with you?
Merry Christmas JEllen!
Ellen Posted Apr 14, 2009
I'm good. I've been doing several floral paintings, including several attempts at painting yellow and pink roses. It's harder than one might think! I had a nice Easter, too.
Merry Christmas JEllen!
Ellen Posted Apr 14, 2009
PS Wow, beautiful photos! What a lovely place to hike!
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Merry Christmas JEllen!
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