This is the Message Centre for Ellen


Post 1

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hiya JEllen!

I've finally got around to joining Netflix. We'll see if it works out to be worthwhile. (We've already got 31 movies on the queue! smiley - laugh)

I wanted to invite you to add me to your Netflix friends, if you want, so we can get an idea of what stuff we rent that we like in common. Could make for interesting discussion. If you don't want, that's cool, too. Sometimes that kind of thing creeps me out, makes me feel like I've got people inside my head. smiley - winkeye


Post 2


Yay! Cool! Yes, of course I want to add you to friends list on Netflix. Are you Psychocandy there too, or going by your real name?

PS I haven't forgotten about your surprise. Email me an address where I can send it.


Post 3


Okay, I sent you an invite on Netflix, let me know if you don't get it.


Post 4

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Yay! I got your email with the link, and added you to my friends. Might get some ideas of things to watch, by checking out what my friends are getting. I've added basically either stuff I've seen but K has not, or vice versa, plus a few we'd just like to see again. Now I can get my mitts on stuff you guys recommmend at the Film Club!

Oh, and I am going under my real name there. smiley - smiley


Post 5


I think it is hysterical that of all the movies we rated, we only have one four star in common -- Taxi Driver. Good flick! Yup, we have different movie tastes, but will be fun to see what you liked and didn't like. For example, I loved Clerks, but you hated that. Hehe. I recommended Bladerunner for you.


Post 6

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I actually *own* "Blade Runner". So you do have a good idea what I like, if you recommended it. smiley - winkeye

It will be fun to see what kind of films we're polar opposites about. Something to talk about. I should mention that while K's picking a great number of the moives in the queue, I'm the one doing the rating at the moment. smiley - tongueout

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