This is the Message Centre for Ellen
Merry Christmas JEllen!
Willem Started conversation Dec 25, 2004
Hiya! I just want to say I wish you and your loved ones a Very Merry Christmas! I'll be by in a few days to wish you a Very Happy New Year as well! Thanks for your friendship and for your art which contributes beauty that the world so desperately needs! May everything go just awesome for you in the time to come! !
Merry Christmas JEllen!
Ellen Posted Dec 26, 2004
Thank you Willem! Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas! Hope it was a good one.
Merry Christmas JEllen!
Willem Posted Jan 1, 2005
Yes thanks Ellen, Christmas day here was OK - nice and relaxed, spent most of it online giving Christmas messages to my friends!
So here is your Best Wishes for the New Year as well! For you, for Micio, your mom, your family, all your loved ones, your internet buddies as well!
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Merry Christmas JEllen!
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