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Hi JEllen
Researcher U1025853 Started conversation Dec 22, 2004
Its Kaz here
I have been an idiot and I want to start afresh. I really don't mind what friends you have, it got daft and I have been hurting people to much.
I thought the best way to start afresh was to start a new personality, it will give me the change to try again and get better at coping with things and with people. Cause at present I am really not very good at it!
Hi JEllen
Ellen Posted Dec 22, 2004
Oh thank you Kaz!! I'm so happy you posted to me! Okay Sorrel it is. Did you do anything to celebrate the Winter Solstice?
Hi JEllen
Researcher U1025853 Posted Dec 22, 2004
Hi JEllen
we wanted to but Moonglum didn't get from work till 9pm and I am on lots of pain-killers which means I couldn't drink a toast. So we will do something later when my back allows!
I am up and about more now though, so I maybe able to pop out tonight!
Hows you?
Hi JEllen
Ellen Posted Dec 22, 2004
In some ways I am very good - excited about our upcoming family christmas party. And happy because I just bought the Liverpool Oratorio by Paul McCartney. We had a lovely winter celebration at our church, which included hanukah, christmas, winter solstice, and kwanzaa. The kids did a little pageant.
I am however very worried about my Mum. She has Parkinson's, and has been refusing to take her medicine. Last night she fell, but thank god she was not hurt. And I am worried about my friend A, who has been very depressed. But I have a new therapist to discuss all that with, which is good.
Hi JEllen
Researcher U1025853 Posted Dec 22, 2004
Sorry to hear about your mum, my father in law had Parkinsons. He used to argue about taking his medication. You need to be very authoritive with her, or find someone else who can.
Maybe itsa a time to be depressed. I feel I have no direction, or that I even know who I am at the moment. Thats one of the reasons I am starting again here.
The one thing I do know about depression is that you must keep going and you must find little things and routines to do. Mine is lighting a candle, incense, making a cup of tea, playing music, reading and having a shower and making the bed. If I have done all those then I feel good at the effort I have made. Today I have done a couple of those only, but then I do have the excuse of a bad back at present.
I hope your friend feels better with the lighter evenings which are slowly starting to come now.
Hi JEllen
Ellen Posted Dec 22, 2004
That is good advice for my friend A. I wish she would take it, she has almost no routine or ritual in her life.
I hope you do regain your sense of direction. Just remember that out of uncertain times can come fresh ideas eventually.
I am sorry you have a bad back, ouch! My Dad has had back problems off and on for years, and so I know how debilitating it is. I hope you mend quickly.
Sorrel is a pretty name.
I'm heading out to catch a matinee of Kinsey. See you soon dear. And if you want me to, I can always post a copy of my journal entries to your page, if you want a private area to talk.
Hi JEllen
Researcher U1025853 Posted Dec 22, 2004
hi JEllen
starting again here feels good. My old space was full of misunderstandings and resentment, I wanted to leave it behind, but I also wanted to stay. So this is a new begining for me.
I think my back was bad because I was holding in so much negative emotion. I have the opportunity now to do something about that.
Thanks for your support, take care.
Hi JEllen
Researcher U1025853 Posted Dec 23, 2004
Hi there
If you speak to PC and you want to tell her, could you tell her I have been an absolute cow. I am trying to start again and will never be like that again. I don't want her to leave h2g2 for my sake. If she wants to come back and for me to avoid her, thats fine, I will play it anyway she wants.
But don't tell any of this if you really don't want to. I have emailed her and written in her journal, but she may not want to read my comments at the mo.
I didn't read Richendas comment, but she hasn't been here for years, how dreadful to come back just to say something nasty.
Hi JEllen
Ellen Posted Dec 23, 2004
PCandy cares about you very much. She won't break off contact with us, I am sure, whether it be by hootoo or by email. She might leave h2g2 if Richenda continues to attack her -- but that is not your fault Sorrel, and none of your doing. Hopefully she will stay, but if she doesn't we can look foward to long and pleasant emails, so same difference, eh?
I think PC means to take a few days off for the Christmas rush. I too will be caught up in holiday festivities, so if I don't post back right away, don't worry, I am still here. Merry Christmas Sorrel!
Hi JEllen
Ellen Posted Dec 24, 2004
Hey, good news, it looks like PC wants to stay and is not mad at either of us!
Hi JEllen
Researcher U1025853 Posted Dec 24, 2004
Yey that is good!
I think communicating in this way doesn't help sometimes. You can't hear the way the words are being spoken and so you may assume its being said nastily or impatiently when it really isn't.
Anyway, have a lovely xmas. We don't celebrate it ourselves, but its a nice couple of days rest and its quiet here for a change. I think Moonglum needs the break after his first 2 weeks in his new job. Its going well but they want him to redesign all the IT dept from scratch!
Hi JEllen
Ellen Posted Dec 26, 2004
*waves hi*
We had a nice Christmas, but between the icy streets and mum's health, it was pretty stressful. Now I am looking foward to the snow melting so I can go see the movie the Aviator with Leo!
Hi JEllen
Researcher U1025853 Posted Dec 27, 2004
Yes, that does look like a good film. I wanted to see 'Churchill the Hollywood years', but it was in our cinema for one show only!
We saw the Incredibles recently, that was quite fun, a bit slow in places as they set the scene, but quite enjoyable.
I also wanted to see the Xmas one with Billy Bob Thornton, but our cinema isn't showing that one at all. He is one of the few guys I fancy, only from the neck up though, I am not interestd in other men from the neck down!
Hi JEllen
Ellen Posted Dec 27, 2004
Hmm, guys I fancy. Leo tops the list, but Tobey Maguire is a cutey too, and I like Harrison Ford.
The ice is melting, but slowly.
Hi JEllen
Researcher U1025853 Posted Dec 29, 2004
Well I think evereyone knows you fancy Leo, just a little anyway!
I like Alan Rickman as well.
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Hi JEllen
- 1: Researcher U1025853 (Dec 22, 2004)
- 2: Ellen (Dec 22, 2004)
- 3: Researcher U1025853 (Dec 22, 2004)
- 4: Ellen (Dec 22, 2004)
- 5: Researcher U1025853 (Dec 22, 2004)
- 6: Ellen (Dec 22, 2004)
- 7: Researcher U1025853 (Dec 22, 2004)
- 8: Ellen (Dec 23, 2004)
- 9: Researcher U1025853 (Dec 23, 2004)
- 10: Ellen (Dec 23, 2004)
- 11: Ellen (Dec 23, 2004)
- 12: Ellen (Dec 24, 2004)
- 13: Researcher U1025853 (Dec 24, 2004)
- 14: Ellen (Dec 26, 2004)
- 15: Researcher U1025853 (Dec 27, 2004)
- 16: Ellen (Dec 27, 2004)
- 17: Researcher U1025853 (Dec 29, 2004)
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