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Unintentional offence

Post 1

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Ellen, Please can I ask you to do some oil-on-troubled-waters-spilling for me? I seem to have unintentionally offended Kaz, who I understand is a friend of yours. It's a matter of my personal views on religion (not just her paganism, but religions in general) which I have been debating in various conversations with her other mutual friends. Essentially, she has asked to to stop discussing such matters in any venue where her friends are involved. It seems that she does not feel that she can visit any of her friends' spaces in case she comes across a conversation to which have contributed - even ones which I don't discuss religion. I really, really don't mean to cause her such pain - but I can only see two alternatives at the moment. a) I can end some very enjoyable if strident debates with her friends or b) She can stop reading threads which were initiated by me or which such debates are carried on anyway. Is there anything that you can think of which might allow her to feel welcomed again? I'm afraid that so far she has regarded my responses as hostile: PS - I 'The Aviator' good then? I've been looking forward to it. I'm a major Scorsese fan.

Unintentional offence

Post 2


Well Ed, I took my best shot at it. I posted to her thread. I told her both you and her would stay on my friends list, because I consider both of you good friends. And I said I thought the hurt was unintentional. smiley - goodluck *crosses fingers that all goes well*

Unintentional offence

Post 3


Oh yes, The Aviator is not out yet in Memphis, it opens Christmas Day! I am soooooooooo excited about it. It looks REALLY good!

Unintentional offence

Post 4

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Hmmm. I suspect that your response - which was similar to PCs may be seen as a rejection.

I am a little concerned for her and have put out an APB. I hope she finds the support she is seeking.

Unintentional offence

Post 5


I hope she does not see it as a rejection. Kaz has a tender heart and has been hurt in the past. Certainly don't want to add to that.

It's just that I do value you as a friend too, and would miss your input very much if you weren't around.

Unintentional offence

Post 6

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi JEllen. I am sorry to butt in on a privtae convo, but I'm still feeling badly about this one.

Kaz and I have, as always, smoothed things over. Like yourself and Terri, Kaz is amongst my dearest friends and always will be. And she and I have worked out the rejected and hurt feelings and moved along.

But now Edward's avoiding my journal, and hasn't responded to my message I'd left him. I feel bad, because I, like yourself, made it clear on more than one occasion that differences, skirmishes, and just plain not getting n amongst my friends is not enough to drive me away from any of them.. but still I feel that these things blow up and then people avoid talking with me to avoid conflict with other people, and that bugs me.

Anyway this is silly talk from me, when you're having such a stressful time. I never heard back from you about the meet with your family regarding your mom and stuff. I want to hear from you.

Unintentional offence

Post 7


Hrm, I will drop by Ed's page. I think he may be treading gingerly at the moment, and just not want to tick Kaz off again.

As for my Mom, I will send an email, cause I don't want to go into too much detail on hootoo.

I am hanging in there as best can in "real life". New therapist is a help.

smiley - love JEllen

Unintentional offence

Post 8

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Thanks, JEllen. I understand where Kaz was coming from, I've been terribly neglectful of all my friends recently, and I can see how one might construe my sudden interest in discussing books and film with Edward, while remaining unresponsive to other conversations, as a blowoff. I certainly don't mean to blow anyone off.

I just wish that Richenda would stop reading my journal entries and trying to tell me what I thought or felt in the past. It feels bad enough to know that people you thought friends only found you useful because you were going to provide a Green Card for another friend of theirs, without those people coming back after months (just when you thought you had broken free of all that stuff) and offering commentary on your thoughts and feelings.

I look forward to getting your email. I apologize for being slow about replies lately, but I promise I am reading and want to know how you and your family are doing through all of this. And I certainly understand your not wanting to talk about it here.

Talk to you soon!

Unintentional offence

Post 9


Hi dear,

Went to go see Flight of the Phoenix tonight -- that was fun!

Headed to bed now, am terribly tired. We'll catch up soon.smiley - cheerup

PS And yes, I too wish Richenda would stop reading your journal. How unpleasant for you. Well, just tune her out, cause we all enjoy hearing what you are up to!

Unintentional offence

Post 10

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Gosh...I haven't seen Flight of the Phoenix in years!

Unintentional offence

Post 11

Researcher U1025853

Hi all

I wanted to try to talk to Edward but I am feeling very fragile at the moment and am feeling nervous about it. It would be good to sort this all out.

Edward I am recovering from yet another breakdown, you all saw the after effects of it. I changed my name and am looking into getting treatment at last, so I am looking forward and hoping to enjoy life more now. So I would love to talk but please be gentle?

As for Richenda, I have put a message on her space asking why she is so perverse as to want to read things about people she doesn't like and who don't like her. I told her that one of the reasons I changed my user space was to get away from her perving. I know I won't get an answer, but it was a laugh to write.

Maybe PC should change her space as well to get away from her?!

Sorry to intrude, but just wanted everyone to know that I have no ill-feeling to anyone here, I was just reacting badly to life again, I'm on valium now and much more relaxed!smiley - winkeye

Unintentional offence

Post 12

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm glad that everyone's back with no ill feeling. I was so distraught around Xmas, what with my company closing and both K and myself losing our jobs simultaneously, with all the family stuff (as much as I am enjoying it, intense contact with large groups of people or for long periods of time really drains me), and with starting a new job rather suddenly, that I also reacted badly to the whole situation and snapped at Sorrel very badly. I'm glad that it's sorted now.

I've been really exhausted, lethargic, and vaguely depressed for several weeks now, mostly due to the SAD. That has a little bit to do with why I've been less chatty recently, or why I can only seem to talk about mundane, banal things. And I have been sleeping away from home basically every night since last Wednesday, so I haven't been online much except from work or evenings before dinner. Sorry.

I hope I can help you, too, Sorrel, with the depression and stress. I'll do my best. JEllen, when I hear from you via email I'll talk to you about things then.

Have the best day you can, all of you. smiley - hug

Unintentional offence

Post 13


smiley - rose *waves hi to all*

PS It's a new version of Flight of the Phoenix.

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