This is the Message Centre for Ellen
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Started conversation Mar 23, 2003
hiya ellen
howz u..??
im not to bad thanx hope u r having a good wk/end
neway heres a for u takecare spk soon lisa
Ellen Posted Mar 24, 2003
Hi Lisa, I have a request. Instead of starting new entries on my page when you stop by, can you stick to one? It gets confusing when I have multiple threads for one person. I should notice your postings ok, because I'm subscribed to my conversations.
Watched the Oscars tonight. Had some interesting moments, some controversial, some moving, but overall I thought the ceremony was a little flat. Of course, I'm a Two Towers fan, so I'm a bit biased. The Lord of the Rings did not fare well at the Oscars.
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Mar 24, 2003
hiya ellen
howz u..?? not to bad thanx.. about starting a new thread with u
heres a
do enjoy
i went to Bradford with my parents on saturday to see some freinds there i didnt get upto much y/day mainly chillin answering e-mails n done a bit of drawing..have u started on the sun pic yet..??
im off into town lataz got a few things to get n food anyway im off now to get a few things done hope u have a good day
again about confusing u takecare spk soon i hope
Ellen Posted Mar 25, 2003
Yes, I'm midway through the sun painting. Did most of the face tonight, it was rather tricky, so I'm very pleased that it came out the way I wanted. Now I just have to do the eyes, lips, and rays coming out. It's shaping up nicely.
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Mar 25, 2003
it sounds like ur painting is going to be really nice when its going to make a few business cards out this week so that should be good i did a ink drawing lastnite of a biker babe she looks really big is the sun painting that u r doing..??..neway heres a
for u
takecare spk soon
Ellen Posted Mar 26, 2003
This sun painting is rather large. It's a circular canvas, 36 inches across. I'm not working on it tonight, I want to give it time to dry so I don't smudge the part I've already done. The colors are really vibrant - bright yellow, orange, purple, and turquoise.
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Mar 26, 2003
it sounds like it will look brill when its finished..i hope it turns out ok for u
what u upto day..?? off to town in a while as its now 11:29.a.m im hoping to get some business cards done 2day..fingers crossed..neway hope that u have a good day spk soon takecare heres a for u
Ellen Posted Mar 27, 2003
sounds good
Yesterday was my Mom's birthday. All my brothers and sisters and their families came over. (I'm the youngest of six) We had fun - my brother had baked a cake from scratch. My Mom got lots of flower arrangements, they look nice.
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Mar 27, 2003
aawwww thats good that ur mum had a nice day..the time now is 2:21.p.m ive been to oxford with my dad n his mate 2day not long got back..i finally got my buisness cards y/day they look brill which is good..what u upto..??..heres a for u spk soon takecare
Ellen Posted Mar 28, 2003
Not too much happening today. My friend S is on vacation, I'll be glad when she gets back.
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Mar 28, 2003
it sounds like u cant wait till she gets back im not upto much 2day its now 9:01a.m n i may pop down town later ive got to make an appointment for my cat to go to the vets as shes having probs with her back legs poor soul mind u shes getting a bit old now
heres a for u
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Mar 28, 2003
i hope my cat will be ok as she means alot neway my screen as just froze n i keep having probs logging in
how r u 2day..??..
Ellen Posted Mar 29, 2003
Kea said more people are logging onto the BBC to get news report, and that is why h2g2 is so glitchy.
I'm just sitting here listening to some Big Band music. From Swingkids, a good (but sad) movie.
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Mar 29, 2003
hiya ellen
howz u..??
how do u get logged onto the bbci..??
as i cant find where u register can digi-box uses use that..??
ive mainly been doing housewrok this a.m n im just listening to cd's n ive got to write a letter to a mate i used to talk to on leisure district anyway heres a for u takecare spk soon
Ellen Posted Mar 30, 2003
BBCi is located at the very top of the screen in Alabaster. You may have to switch over to access it. I don't know much about digiboxes, so I don't know if it is accessible to those or not. Have you tried doing a Search? Also, if you're registered for hootoo, I think you're automatically registered for the BBC. (But I can't swear to it, usually I ignore the rest of the BBC)
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Mar 30, 2003
hiya ellen
thanx for the help with bbc i appreciate it
howz u 2day..?? not to bad thanx
howz the sun painting comming along good i hope..
its now 11:00a.m n im just having me a heres one for u too
hope u have a good day spk soon takecare
Ellen Posted Apr 2, 2003
Sun painting still going well. I am quite a slow painter, I'm afraid. Have you ever seen a movie called Dangerous Beauty? It's about a Venetian courtesan of the 1600s. An unusual love story, and based on a real woman.
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Apr 2, 2003
ive never seen the film venetian courtsean is it good i will have to look out for it good..??
howz u..?? writting to a mate off ld at the mo ive long started page 6 well half way down that page..shes wrote 11 pages.. so thats keeping me quite
what u been upto..?? im glad the sun painting is going well anyway hope to hear from u again soon takecare lisa
p.s heres a for u
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 23, 2003)
- 2: Ellen (Mar 24, 2003)
- 3: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 24, 2003)
- 4: Ellen (Mar 25, 2003)
- 5: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 25, 2003)
- 6: Ellen (Mar 26, 2003)
- 7: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 26, 2003)
- 8: Ellen (Mar 27, 2003)
- 9: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 27, 2003)
- 10: Ellen (Mar 28, 2003)
- 11: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 28, 2003)
- 12: Ellen (Mar 28, 2003)
- 13: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 28, 2003)
- 14: Ellen (Mar 29, 2003)
- 15: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 29, 2003)
- 16: Ellen (Mar 30, 2003)
- 17: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Mar 30, 2003)
- 18: Ellen (Apr 2, 2003)
- 19: BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) (Apr 2, 2003)
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