This is the Message Centre for Ellen

Look who's here!

Post 1


Thanks for stopping by; great to meet you! I havn't read the book you mentioned; mysmiley - doctorplugged it but I told him I prefer Sarah Kane. I might give it a go one day. As you know from My Space I'm in Bournemouth at the Sf-Ball with all the Trekkies, but nobody wants me to beam them upsmiley - bluesmiley - winkeye!
Just met Boba-Fett and Greedo!
Take care,

Look who's here!

Post 2


Welcome, welcome. Who's Sarah Kane? A sci-fi ball sounds great, hope you have a blast.

smiley - towel

Look who's here!

Post 3

The Sf-Ball is going okay. However, they are woefully under-facilitated when it comes to the invisible disibilities. I aked for befrienders to introduce me to people but all they did - and they were untrained - was get me drunk(baaaaaaaad idea)and then abandon me. However, lots of it was fun and I made some friends.
How's things?

Look who's here!

Post 4


I'm looking foward to tonight. My brother and sister-in-law are coming over for pizza. It's 6:30am here, I've been up most of the night. I have a screwy sleep schedule.

smiley - towel

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