This is the Message Centre for Ellen

missing beatles tapes

Post 1


hi ellen this is the story i was telling you about the missing beatles tapes

andysmiley - bat

missing beatles tapes

Post 2


Ah, good, I'll take a look.

missing beatles tapes

Post 3


just keeping you informed<biggrin.

andysmiley - bat

missing beatles tapes

Post 4


Wonder if they will come out with another album? That would be great! I wish there was a current band I liked as much as the Beatles, but there's just not. John and Paul both had such beautiful voices. I read somewhere that Paul actually got rejected from a boy's choir as a kid! Hard to believe. Have you ever seen the book The Day John Met Paul? It is a most thorough and fascinating account of the day they met. smiley - erm Feeling a little tired tonight, I think I'll go take a nap. Goodnight!

smiley - towel

missing beatles tapes

Post 5


night ellen and no i havent read the book!!

andysmiley - bat

missing beatles tapes

Post 6


hi ellen
just to let you know i will be getting my own pc soon so i will have another e-mail addy ok

andysmiley - bat

missing beatles tapes

Post 7


Hi Andy! Yah, just drop me an email when you get set up. Congrats on the new PC.

smiley - towel

missing beatles tapes

Post 8


i certainly will do as the pc is delivered on monday smiley - biggrin

andysmiley - bat

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