This is the Message Centre for Ellen
Hiya Werekitty
Cybercat Started conversation Jan 21, 2003
My names Cybercat
I live in Luton, England
Just thought I`d stop by and say hello
Your page caught my attention...I`m a big fan of movies to
Hiya Werekitty
Ellen Posted Jan 21, 2003
Hello there! Actually, I'm JEllen. Werekitty just happens to be mentioned in my screenname right now, because she won a contest. It's confusing, I know. Nice to meet someone else who likes movies. What are some of your favorites? I'll catch up with you later, it's past my bedtime (3am here) and I am just signing off.
Hiya Werekitty
Cybercat Posted Jan 23, 2003
I do....
Well my fav movies are LOTR, The Matrix, The Crow and Highlander...
I am a big fan of Elijah Wood...and have fallen deeply in love with him...
So what other things are you into?
Hiya Werekitty
Ellen Posted Jan 24, 2003
I just love The Matrix. One of my favorite DVDs. A very clever script, and good acting. I especially liked Carrie Anne Moss (Trinity); I wish she would get more roles soon. Oh yes, and I liked the fact that the "oracle" was a woman baking cookies.
Elijah Wood is the actor that plays Frodo, right? He has the most amazing eyes - you could just fall into them. Didn't he play the Amish child in Witness? (Not sure if I am remembering correctly)
Me, I'm a Leo Dicaprio fanatic. Even so, I was disappointed by Gangs of New York. It was much too violent for me. But Catch Me If You Can is wonderful! I read the book too; it was so much fun. All about a con man - well you probably know.
Other interests? Well I'm interested in mental health issues. I like artwork, especially the PreRaphaelites. I live with my folks and help take care of my Mom some, she has Parkinson's. I like things that are paranormal - I'm into dreams, and tarot decks, and love to watch John Edward (the medium on Crossing Over).
Hiya Werekitty
Cybercat Posted Jan 24, 2003
I think I saw that once it was quite freaky
I like the X Files to...big fan but then it became a little too unbelieveable
Hiya Werekitty
Ellen Posted Jan 26, 2003
I tried to watch the X-Files one time with my friend Rebecca. She was so into the show, but it was an episode with a lot of roaches in it, which really creeped me out.
Hiya Werekitty
Cybercat Posted Jan 27, 2003
Yeah I have that one on Video...I can`t remember what it was called
So how was your weekend?
I went on a drinking spree
Hiya Werekitty
Ellen Posted Jan 27, 2003
Hi Cybercat. You always catch me right when I am going to bed! Drinking sprees are a thing of the past for me.
Had a quiet weekend, watched Moulin Rouge. Ewan Mcgregor is so fine in that (he has dimples)!
Do you ever read humorist Dave Barry? He did the most hilarious article about LOTR Two Towers. It was titled "Why don't they just lose the Ring in the sink?" Dave Barry is so silly, I just love his stuff.
G'night. JE
Hiya Werekitty
Cybercat Posted Jan 27, 2003
You need then
I know Ewan McGregor is so fine
No I haven`t read it but I have heard of Bored Of The Rings
Hiya Werekitty
Ellen Posted Jan 28, 2003
I'd like to find a copy of Bored of the Rings. Wonder if the library would have it?
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Hiya Werekitty
- 1: Cybercat (Jan 21, 2003)
- 2: Ellen (Jan 21, 2003)
- 3: Ellen (Jan 21, 2003)
- 4: Ellen (Jan 22, 2003)
- 5: Cybercat (Jan 23, 2003)
- 6: Ellen (Jan 24, 2003)
- 7: Cybercat (Jan 24, 2003)
- 8: Ellen (Jan 26, 2003)
- 9: Cybercat (Jan 27, 2003)
- 10: Ellen (Jan 27, 2003)
- 11: Cybercat (Jan 27, 2003)
- 12: Ellen (Jan 28, 2003)
- 13: Cybercat (Jan 28, 2003)
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