This is the Message Centre for Ellen
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ellen!
Willem Started conversation Dec 24, 2002
Yes it's me Willem! Thanks for having been a great friend over the past year. I wish you everything that is awesome for this Christmas season and the coming year! You are in my thoughts and heart. And I'll soon talk about The Two Towers! Saw it yesterday. But today is busybusybusy ... gotta get messages to all my friends!
- Willem
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ellen!
Willem Posted Apr 6, 2003
Hey Ellen, have you seen this message yet? How are you doing nowadays?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ellen!
Ellen Posted Apr 6, 2003
Hi Willem!! I've been having computer trouble the last two nights, so I'm rather worried my computer is about to give up the ghost. I'll try and email you this week, catch you up on things, assuming the computer holds out.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ellen!
Willem Posted Apr 13, 2003
Well, I really hope your computer does hold out! Looking forwards to that email!
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ellen!
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