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Post 501

the Shee

Yeah! Ditto for you!

I wonder if I'm going to get to see that for a Christmas present -- the Two Towers movie... smiley - smiley Glad you're happy!


Post 502


How was your Christmas Shee? I had a good one. I got some nightshirts which I really needed. And some M&Ms. And a new mousepad, have I told you about it? It looks like a little oriental rug. So cute.

smiley - popcorn In movie news, I was disappointed in Gangs of New York. It was too violent for me. But I loved Leo's other movie, Catch Me If You Can, in which he plays con man Frank Abagnale. It was clever and fun, and rather touching too, at parts. I read the book first, and the book is great too.


Post 503


Hi Shee, did you hear about the stolen Beatles tapes that have been recovered? Some 500 tapes, I think. Wonder if they will eventually release any of the tracks?


Post 504


I haven't heard from Wink since before Thanksgiving. Have you heard from her at all?


Post 505

the Shee

I'm sorry that I've not been around, dear -- smiley - blush. I'm not avoiding you or anything, just having a lot to do. Amy P forwarded me something and I sorta remembered about h2g2....

Christmas was cool, but it's been a bit long for me to remember much exactly. It was very enjoyable, though!!

I haven't heard anything about stolen Beatles tapes -- I wonder why?? That's so weird, I didn't think I would have missed something like that.

I haven't heard anything from Wink either.... Actually, I remember emailing her and asking what was up, but I don't remember when that was (what year even). What I remember from that was that she was busy and her old h2g2 account wasn't letting her log on, so she was going to make a new one. I don't know if she ever did or not, or what her name would be if she had.... smiley - erm

Hi Shee!

Post 506


Hello there, I didn't think I'd see you back around these parts. Thought you'd given up on hootooing for good. Good to hear from you. Yeh, those Beatles tapes were big news. I hope they get around to releasing some of them to the public. Would be nice, eh? Wink and I never got together. She moved to Arkansas, just across the river from Memphis, but whenever I suggested getting together she couldn't. With her not being on h2g2 anymore, she and I have pretty much lost touch now. It's too bad. I'm midway through a new painting, a large picture of the sun. Very colorful. smiley - artist I've been hanging out on Terri's "eyes" thread and having a good time there. Again, good to hear from you!

smiley - towel JE

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