This is the Message Centre for good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589)
Pokey the penguin
ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010) Started conversation Oct 3, 2001
OMG that makes absolutely no sense at all. I love it. Especially chicken delicious. Did you write it?
Muse of Big Hair and Platform Boots
Pokey the penguin
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 7, 2001
sadly no, would that i could aspire to such genius. Oh no italiens, they will steal our arctic circle candy which only grows in the arctic circle!!!!! brilliant indeed
Pokey the penguin
alji's Posted Oct 8, 2001
Are they on holiday or did they emigrate from the Antartic.
Pokey the penguin
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 11, 2001
don't be so cheeky, it is a fictional world, if its ilogical to have pengiuns at the north pole is it more so to have italien penguins, a skeptopothumus, a talking gherkin? i will here no word against pokey.
Pokey the penguin
ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010) Posted Oct 12, 2001
I'm also a bit worried about the boxing glove.
..perhaps the world isnt ready for Pokey yet?
Pokey the penguin
alji's Posted Oct 13, 2001
It says it's educational for young children! So why isn't it?
Pokey the penguin
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 14, 2001
maybe its just you who is not ready for pokey!
its meant to be ironic Aljiis.
Pokey the penguin
alji's Posted Oct 14, 2001
Do kids understand irony then or is it for big kids? I will have to go through all the cartoons again with my other head on or at least one fo my other heads (If youy know any Geminis you will understand this) on!
Pokey the penguin
alji's Posted Oct 14, 2001
I must remember to read what I write before I post then I just might pick up the odd extra letters that crop up from time to time.
Pokey the penguin
ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010) Posted Oct 17, 2001
In my experience children *love* explicit language and its a constant effort to restrain them from using any new bits of it they have discovered along the way. It is for this reason that we try not to expose them to it, i feel: not because their tender young minds need to be protected but because nobody likes to hear a seven year old shoulting "B****X!" repeatedly in ones' ear.
Pokey the penguin
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 27, 2001
hehe, true.
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Pokey the penguin
- 1: ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010) (Oct 3, 2001)
- 2: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 7, 2001)
- 3: ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010) (Oct 8, 2001)
- 4: alji's (Oct 8, 2001)
- 5: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 11, 2001)
- 6: ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010) (Oct 12, 2001)
- 7: alji's (Oct 13, 2001)
- 8: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 14, 2001)
- 9: alji's (Oct 14, 2001)
- 10: alji's (Oct 14, 2001)
- 11: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 14, 2001)
- 12: ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010) (Oct 17, 2001)
- 13: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 27, 2001)
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