This is the Message Centre for Jane Bane

cool name

Post 2841


BEST DATE EVAR. That was awesome. What a larf. Brilliant brilliant woman. Hand in glove. Game over, all bets off, my wandering days are over for a little bit. She brought me sweets in the shape of cigarettes and referred to me as Drunk Idiot Boy in a text on the way home. She has my number, alright. We are going out on Saturday and it will be the excellent. I cannot wait, and neither, it would appear, can she.

Um, not a lot happened for the rest of the day. Just getting prices etc for bulk printing orders. Need to get a load of different prices and such for 3PO, or he'll get all moody and tell me I don't know what I'm doing.

But mainly, I went out with Anne and it was fabulous.

cool name

Post 2842

Jane Bane

yeah, nice IMing last nite, i am pleased for you and anne. rare fortune and all that.
as per my LJ, i myself have a large quantity of popcorn & chocolate to see me through valentine's day. so i'm all set... do you people have valentine's day? you may have to get her a gift. though she is a feminist. perhaps she'll get you something. well timed.
yeah, the popcorn and stuff is pretty much the news of the day here. taking corrie to the airport tomorrow so she can be with the one she loves... other than that, i see much lazing about and reading Howards End in my immediate future.

cool name

Post 2843


Rare fortune indeed. She rang today, and is coming over tomorrow to sample the bright lights of Maidenhead. I don't wanna go on about it, as I know you have like, I don't know, issues and such avec les hommes, but it is great when stuff like this happens. Yes, it could all be in tatters by next week, but how much fun is contemplating *that*. It's here and it's now and it's great.

Um, Valentine's Day. Hadn't thought of that. It'll be great whatever happens.

I have just mailed you a SNEAK EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW of the new photardz. Well, one of them.

What else today. Nothing, really. Didn't get up till 2 in the afternoon and there isn't much you can do with the day from there.

cool name

Post 2844

Jane Bane

oh, ok. i appreciate your sensitivity to my issues but really, no need to speak in french about it. and anyway, going on about how happy you are is fully your prerogative, however limited my own personal frame of reference may be etc. etc. i routinely permit others to have relationships.
i just saw the old dude who plays the doctor on Jam in a playstation2 ad. i love that guy. it was kind of bizarre to see him on my normal american tv for even a second. just thought i'd share that.

cool name

Post 2845


That doctor bloke is awez0RR. He just looks exactly like a doctor. He hasn't done a great deal over here, in fact, I can't remember him in anything other than Jam.

Today, continued with negotiations with Cavaliers over festival-size print orders. I would rather keep the printing with Damien, as I prefer vinyl over screen. But, part of what C3PO has done for the company is to look at every option for everything, so I have been firing mails off all over the shop getting compative quotes and weighing up pro's and con's.

Then did some labelling for the weekend, and tidied the flat for when Anne comes round. I'm going to claim it has been burgled anyway.

cool name

Post 2846

Jane Bane

the burglary story is good. when cleaning fails. i could only explain the state of my apartment by claiming that some student had crept in and thrown papers all over the place.
yeah, the dr. is now appearing in an ad for some video game where it seems you pretend to be an english gangster. ha ha. he has a great voice; so many reasons why that show translated so well to radio.
the pics were pretty great. the army surplus shirts seem to have turned out well. and i like the wild-eyed Full Metal Jacket thing jon seems to be going for.
didn't really get up in time to do anything today aside from drive corrie to the airport. going over to my aunt's house tonight. might get groceries too, you never know.

cool name

Post 2847

Jane Bane

felt a bit remiss in not having formed an opinion on the Oasis, am listening to it today. first few tracks are pretty good. it does seem a shame now that they ultimately succumbed to mediocrity and get no respect whatsoever in the states (they were probably the most successful britpop act here). they do have some fine moments. wow, 'live forever.' i haven't heard this song in soooo fcking long.

cool name

Post 2848


Yeah, Oasis are sort of fairly popular over here. Lots of people would go on about Definitely Maybe and What's The Story, but forget about the eight years since, and I think that is the kindest way.

Right. The weekend. Anne over Friday night, just kind of hung out and such. Market Saturday was evil, just wasn't in the mood for it. It was the poorest weekend of the year, but February = retail death, so we must brace ourselves.

Out Saturday night with usuals from the market and Anne. I was wasted. As was everyone. Stayed at Anne's (three minutes from the market, even closer than Pip's), then market Sunday and out in the evening with Jazz, who was in town for the weekend, market usuals, Kate, Eamon (the Kate for the West Yard), and Anne. I was wasted again, as was everyone again.

Gaby has just prepositioned me by text. I think she may have felt that last week's jaunt was a kind of dry run pre date date. So now I am in a potential Hugh Grant style romantic situation tomorrow with
Anne, her and Kate all in the same place at Pip's band's gig. Kate is totally fine with the whole thing, and we aren't linked in that way anymore anyway. But an excitable Texan is not really want I need added to the mix.

cool name

Post 2849

Jane Bane

well, i'd be fairly confident that gaby will soon grasp the situation. not like any serious offers were on the table. but yeah, sounds like fun being out with all 3 of them.
february is just generally a bad month for everything, i think.
i did nothing this weekend. finished reading Howards End, tried to go to a movie i didn't really want to see which was sold out anyway, so no harm done. but next week there's at least Interpol, and shortly thereafter i turn 22.

cool name

Post 2850


Yes, I think Gaby is clued up now. Strange though. Spoke to her on the phone and let her know the situation. Mind you, oddly, I would probably have been up for it, had she got her application in a few days earlier. She was saying like yeah, this is great information now, but why didn't I say something earlier. The reason is, obviously, that last Monday I was with her *and_her_mother*, and before that I have only seen her when living with her *and_her_boyfriend*, and at work in the market. It would just have been bad form in the first two instances, and impractical in the last. It was all cool and lighthearted. Worth thinking about, maybe, but, as I said to her, I have a girlfriend, and no matter how sudden and new the relationship is, I have to honour that. I hadn't really considered Gaby a viable prospect, to be honest, what with her general situation and everything else. Anyway, I don't think she is going tomorrow night, as I purposely kept her talking for three hours after her bedtime so she would be too tired. The only person who doesn't know the score with Kate and this thing with Gaby is Anne, and I hardly think it prudent to tell her. I have no intention of cheating on her, as it is a cnt's trick to do something like that simply because you can. And, as I said last time, Kate and I are done and finished as whatever kind of item we were. She advised me that Anne was 'adorable', and that I should 'hang onto her.' The whole nature of our relationship was that both of us knew exactly what it was about - essentially, friends who shag now and then - so neither of us has any subsequent claim over the other. Neither Kate nor Gaby have any axe to grind with me, as I have been totally up front about everything. All I need now is for Margetta to reappear.

Anyway. Hung out with Jazz here most of the day. Got slightly stoned, which is very unusual for me. It was ok, but I am just not into it. We span up to Craig's for coffee, then he got his train and I settled in to a day of loafing about.

cool name

Post 2851

Jane Bane

yeah, it doesn't get much cooler than kate... relationships of any sort that are both undeluded AND happy, let alone ones explored to that extent = pretty rare thing too. once again i can only commend you as it seems you have surrounded yourself with a good set of people, and everything is mostly peaceful and satisfactory. from here that seems like quite an achievement. my social life is quite peaceful as well, but only by virtue of the fact that there's nobody in it.
i smoked the marijuana on one occasion. but since hanging out with people i don't know well is already an altered state for me, it was only once i was home watching cartoons that i felt perceptibly different. so... yeah, and most of my life i was completely anti-drugs as it was always important to keep my wits about me and to not get in trouble. wouldn't even drink until well into the era of brett. i will always regret all the years i wasted in full consciousness. sobriety is SO overrated in my case.
beautiful mild sunny day today... had to spend most of it indoors attending to various duties. ended up subbing an extra hour for the DJ who comes on after me, then spent a couple hours watching a kiln for ceramics, and that was the afternoon gone. still, it was all much nicer than i had anticipated. now i have a bunch of homeworks to do so, busy busy busy

cool name

Post 2852


It's a beautiful sunny day here, too. Pleasently sharp, but without any real wind to make it really really cold.

Yeah, I do seem to be surrounded by good, supportive people at the moment. I know life tends to make everything fall apart at times like these, but fck it, Dog knows I was due for some good times. I was having a shtty time for five years pretty much till I got made redundant/Margetta popped up, and it has been vastly more enjoyable since then.

Had a nice night last night. The gig was actually four bands in the Bucks Head in Camden, good fun in that slightly shambolic pub entertainment way. I was pleased for Pip that the turn out was so good: I wouldn't say the place was packed, but it was certainly full. And no pub band night would be complete without an altercation, which duly occurred as Anne and I were leaving. Just scuffling, and Pip was not directly involved. In any case, he already had plenty of backup and I was with Anne, so I left them all to it.

Stayed at Anne's after and it was all just great. At the same time I was a proper little mod boy, she was going around in A-line skirts, boots, bobbed hair and smoking fags through a cigarette holder. So we have the same sartorial appreciation. Anne is very matronly, somewhat plump (which I really like in a bitch) and we get on just swell. It does feel very right. Who knows where it will end. But it's great right now and that's the important thing. Out tomorrow to see Martin's band, again in Camden. Saturday I am probably going to go to Unskinny Bop, a gay/indie/general misfit night at the Pleasure Unit in Bethnal Green, run by Big_Trend, from my JL friend's list. I have no idea who she is in rl. A friend of a friend of Jon's, I think. Jon is the only person on my friends that I actually know in rl.

Once again, I missed your show, as I was coming back from Anne's, signing on for benefits, and such.

cool name

Post 2853

Jane Bane

yes, i will allow that there are some things in life that are more important than my radio show. girlfriends and money being two of them... it was a good set though, i will say.
the band nite sounds nice indeed.. hooray for bar fights. i just don't see much of that when i go out, i must be hanging around the wrong places. cool that you actually know people in these bands, too. a girl i knew who has graduated is/was in a band called Murder Band..but that was kind of a novelty act. never actually saw or heard them either, i think it involved screaming and blood.
so, nothing special going on except that the really nice weather has held another day. we pretty much get one week a year of this. i was up a tiny bit late finishing everything and am consequently a bit zombified today.

cool name

Post 2854


Yeah, nice to know people in small bands, and the nicest thing about about being friends with people in small bands is that, even when you are on the guest list, you still have to pay to get in.

Ummm, considering I only posted five hours ago or something, not a lot has happened. Just been watching telly. Trying to sort out my sleeping hours and generally get myself together. Like, smoking has to go. This is not a good week in which to stop, as I am out and about a lot. But Monday looks good. And just want to eat well again, all that sort of stuff.

Oh, we got Glastonbury by the way. Cue much handshaking and celebration between me and Pip and Simon last night. I got a text from Tim, our Chief of Operations for the caper, who is in Israel at the moment, confirming it. Very very exciting. It is this griefjunkie's Waterloo.

cool name

Post 2855

DogManStar 'It is griefjunkie's Waterloo.' This refers to the Battle of Waterloo, 1815, in which a British and Allied army under the Duke of Wellington finally defeated Napoleon in a huge, epic and extremely close-run confrontation near Brussels.

cool name

Post 2856

Jane Bane

yeah, i knew about the battle of waterloo and everything....but it was just as well your explaining it since i tend to think of it from napoleon's point of view for some reason. probably because he was in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.
congratulations on Glastonbury as well. not to jinx it, but i'm sure it will be awesome.

Electronic Rennaissance may be Belle & Sebastian's best song, you know.

yeah, i only posted about 24 hours ago so nothing much has happened here either. i'm in a good mood though because i am just back from screenwriting class, which i enjoy. the people in the class are all pretty creative and weird and amusing, and there are a lot of weird, perverse and violent stories besides mine. i like thinking about the characters i am writing about, not only that but the people in the class are forced to think about them too. i can't wait to be a popular novelist.
glad to hear you're kicking the cigarettes. good luck with all of that. i think anne had you outclassed a bit with the cigarette holder and all. so you might just as well pack it in, really. at least you'll have your health.
right. now for an evening of Wal Mart, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and no homework.

cool name

Post 2857


Yeah, so, went to see Martin's band at the Bull and Gate, Camden, last night. It was OK. Musically, they are about fifteen years behind everyone else, but it was a decent enough night all round.

Tomorrow, Craig is doing his stint at the stall, which should be interesting. I may or may not go down to Kennington to see Jon while this is happening to get more pictars done. But being that I have a horrible cold I might just hang around being miserable. Did loads of labelling today, so pretty much up to date there. Just starting to rack my brains over how to handle Glastonbury: how much stock to take, whether to label it, how on earth I am going to pay for it, etc. It's tricky, as obviously I have absolutely nothing to go on, and have to get my orders in around March time for Cavalier's to cope with it. For some reason, I had a figure of three thousand shirts/t's in mind, but will probably half this so as not to bankrupt the company forever in the event of a disaster.

Tonight, off to Anne's for pizza. Then the weekend I am certain will pass in a blur of booze at the Hawley and general market malarky.

cool name

Post 2858

Jane Bane

didn't you originally have another guy doing the stall with you? who was that guy? i was just thinking that, yes, it would be interesting to see how the stall goes with somebody else i.e. craig running it.
just back from dinner + movie with corrie. that's pretty much my fun for the weekend. other than that i have the usual ceramics glaze tests, and then there's D H Lawrence. was enjoying the book til today when the girl became a lesbian then married her lover off to her uncle because she was tired of both of them...poor modern woman. well, i didn't really give *that* much of a damn about the book, i was just depressed. but i'm better now.
ok, now i have a little more tedious homework to do before bed, so i can get up and mix still more glazes tomorrow, hooray...

cool name

Post 2859


Yeah, initially, Nick was on the stall too. You have photardz of him, I believe.

So. Was at Anne's pretty much all weekend. Craig duly did his stint on the stall, and coped well enough considering he is software designer in a crowded outdoor market. It was intimidating for him - if you peep between the mannequins on my stall, you often catch sight of a solid block of hundreds of people heading straight at you - which for a man made of computers, and with printers for hands, is bound to be unsettling. Trade wise it was easily the worst weekend of the year. This had little if anything to do with C3PO - on the corresponding day last year, the stall sold one shirt, compared to the ten notched up by us.

Big sprawling bevvy up in the Hawley after all. Full turn out of East Yard urchins, augmented with Kate's new gf, C3PO and Ada, Anne, and Gaby. Gaby chose a moment six seconds before Anne joined the table to say that she 'has been in love with me since July' and that that is the reason that her and Tom split up. No one is going to be able to answer that with thier girlfriend bearing down upon them. It cast a slightly odd aura over the evening, as you might imagine, with an amourous drunk Texan feeling your left leg under the table on one side while Anne is doing the same to your right. Anne was super kewl about Gaby's unsubtle overtures which went on all evening, which rightly won her rave reviews from all sides after Gabby went. Gabby went as a result of me persuading Simon to leave early and claim he was passing by her place on the way home, which, backed up with a yarn about the Tube being on strike and her being stranded otherwise, defused the situation.

Think I have decided to use Cavaliers for the festival stock. Which will doubtless disgruntle 3PO, but I am in charge and I think it is the best option, so there.

cool name

Post 2860

Jane Bane

nick, right. i do recall his likeness. and c3po=craig? the man made of computers. poor dear. but he survived a whole day in the open air. good for him. is he the guy with glasses modeling shirts on the website?
and uh, gaby seems to have no luck and no timing at all.
hadn't heard much from heather lately, but i'm afraid she's about to get weird again and start looking for someone to understand her... i was beginning to think maybe the loneliness was finally working out after all. i am after all a huge proponent of loneliness over neediness and self-sabotage and i thought maybe she'd seen the light... well, truth is i can't judge her, for i will never be as lonely as her, or know what it is like to not have had my parents, my friends, my experiences etc. etc. ...but i can still rant at random to you. the difference is, I am aware that i am wasting your time. and it's okay. because that is actually what a lot of human interaction consists of, even in the physical realm. and i am still pretty fcking happy to have it.
ah well, everyone's methods are unsound.
nothing going on here, just the usual things soon to happen. interpol, birthday, spring break within the next few weeks. so that just means i'll see a concert, hopefully get drunk at some point, then eventually spend a week at home, come back and finish the year. meanwhile it's all the usual homework and TV. and Hunter S. Thompson shot himself, which sucks but really, how the hell else was he supposed to die. the man was a freak who loved guns.

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