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Losing it...

It's become harder and harder... to ...unh... form... coh... cohere.... coherent sentences... my grasp of da english lang... uage is slippin'. I am begginin' to lose le'er's from words... and have noticed a tendency... nnnh... to use... ones I have neva 'eard before... what is...unh... unnhh...

Yo yo yo, let's kick it... (sound of evil laughter)

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Latest reply: Oct 16, 2001

The thing where you hit the things with the two little things...

Indeed, it would seem that I have been absorbed into some strange sub-culture whilst "skatin". I have discovered an overwhelming urge to wear baggy "combats". More disturbing yet, I have taken up playing the... electric guitar... and worse still, I am doing so in a... "Drop D, Three string, Punk" fashion. Most disturbing. And it gets worse... I have even started... i dread to say it... drumming... and caling people... "dude". (At this point the entry breaks down into hysterical sobbing)

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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2001

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Corvay (Lethal in too many ways)

Researcher U185428

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