This is the Message Centre for cherubin


Post 1

The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

LMAO!! howdo ! u on pc or telewest?? smiley - smiley


Post 2


Hello there smiley - smiley I'm on Telewest...LOL It's as slow as ever smiley - sadface What are you on? Nice to meet you...


Post 3

The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

Quote "What are you on? "!
Thatd be telling m8! heh=heh!!lmao!
Am on a dell 733 mhz pentium 3!! smiley - winkeye
Cush as pluck!


Post 4


A: I'm on cloud 9...LMAO smiley - smiley
Because i'm on t/west i can't
see who's online smiley - sadface
So i just sit here hoping someone
will reply !!!

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