Journal Entries

It's Tomorrow Already

smiley - bluefish
So today I hooked up a wireless network. AirPort, to be exact. With the help of Walleye Priestess. And in a week she'll be back in her dorm, with New and Improved ethernet access.
smiley - orangebutterfly
I'm an Ace now. I was somewhat surprised - I did find out by getting the e-mail..... So of course I hopped right on to the Guide to see if it was in fact the real thing. And indeed it was!
smiley - planet
And in a week my classes start. Then I'll lock into a schedule and you can all count on me being around with some regularity.

But I am back, for the most part - I mean it now - especially now that we have this $%*&((& iBook figured out (it was giving us Issues). Not that I'm typing up on it, but we have to have WP all ready to go with it in less than a week. And I'm a newborne babe to OS X.
smiley - towel
But it's quite late and I'm tired. And I'm sure I'll have many many new peoples to greet when I get back on to find all the new researchers just waiting to be descended upon by Aces frothing at the mouth. (Not really, but I'm tired.) I hope my page is good enough to serve as a links page; I've basically made it that for my own sake. I think making a "Page of Links" would be somewhat redundant.... I know. I'll make a page of links upon which are links to pages of links.... That would be beautifully and remarkably redundant.

I have a lot to update for my page. I may have to create a spare link page for me. But that would be a shame to have to do.

So I'm signing off; hello to everyone. Fear not of posting. I'll be back to converse some more. Good night.
smiley - zzz

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Latest reply: Jan 15, 2002

2002, still Year of the Snake

smiley - flan
So this is a very short trip to the Guide, as I am on Walleye Priestess' computer - her new friend - and we are in the inklings of getting set up, tho' it seems Norton Utilities has some Issues with her OS X partition. I must speak with the techies at the Apple Store on this matter, as OS X is very new to me still.
smiley - bluefish
I hope to be on again soon; I have a lot to accomplish in a week or two. Of course, I have a baby quilt to finish for a friend as well, amnd I don't even have it half-done. But hopefully I can use my time contructively.
smiley - martiansmile
I need to come up with a good subject for a Guide entry to have edited... I need practice before beginning a Uni project. smiley - smiley
smiley - thief
So much to do. I was going to mention something brilliant but I forgot. But anyway, those of you trying to get a hold of me or whatever, fear not. I'll be back to my old Guide ish self in no time. ANd when I get these damn headaches cleared up, I will not need sleep, as I am an art student with a penchant for fire and metal. And time-comsuming self-torture.
smiley - earth
And fellow Muses, don't worry, I'll have the Spa up and going well soon. I do still need to find pictures. If you know of any that would be good for it, post them to somewhere on my space or in the forum for the Spa.
smiley - dog
I should probably get off WP's computer - tho we are getting her set up, and hopefully she'll have ethernet on her return to school in a couple weeks. Until then we've got a lot to figure out, so bear with us.
smiley - planet
Ciao, all; happy new year and I hope all your goodly endeavors are successful. smiley - smiley
smiley - bunny

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Latest reply: Jan 8, 2002

Signing Off, Perhaps Till 2002

So a smiley - bubbly Happy New Year to all, especially the Brits and the rest of those who will celebrate it before myself...
smiley - strawberry
I may be back on tomorrow; it's not blooming likely, but it could happen. It would be rather nice to do some more work on the Spa before the actual New Year's, but failing that I'll have a day or two to thumb through all the loverly pictures and figure out how to put them up. I need to brush up on my HTML.
smiley - tea
Hmm, strawberries and tea....
Anyway, it was only 20 minutes (read: an hour), so I was pretty good today. I got on without getting sucked in. After such withdrawal, you have to admit that takes will power.
smiley - flan
I still have to wonder about the Uni project and ..something else which decided to slip my mind moments before being mentioned. But also, I intend to start my own Uni project this summer - so all of you keep a watch out, becuause I'm going to get an entry or two edited and then start on a project I feel must be done. Assuming it hasn't been done already. Which I also need to check up on.
smiley - elf
So I will be back on in less than a week. Greetings to you all, and condolences as well to many. Happy solstice, and happy new year... Happy happy.
smiley - holly

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2001

smiley - huh
Well, I managed to stay off the Guide for almost 2 weeks. smiley - yikes Had my final, got railroaded by the christmas season, sat there in a daze in the aftermath. I hope my projects haven't disintegrated.....
smiley - stout
I have a *lot* to check up on. I don't think it's going to happen tonight. But this journal is basically a flag for all you March Hare fans (I wish) out there to let you know that I am back in action, or will be shortly. I will spend **20 MINUTES** (read: an hour) checking messages and whatnot, and then I will turn to my other homeish duties. I have to replace a belt in my vacuum cleaner, may its hair-clogged soul rest in peace, get the remaining hair off my floor (this is what I get for having three feet of hair and a half-roomie who sheds like so many cats), and resume cleaning this place up, as tomorrow night I will have FOUR people, yes FOUR, in my apartment!! See the amazing Defeat of Physics! Observe as People Pack into Far Too Small A Space! Amaze at the Blatant Disregard for Immutable Natural Law!
smiley - musicalnote
But anyway, I am on, and once we get her hooked up and plugged in, and over here where her new mac baby is being baby-sat, Walleye Priestess will be back on the Guide too. And if the cosmos let me have my way, she'll be blessèd with ethernet when she gets back to school.
smiley - moon
I actually did my laundry. And folded it too (the older done-laundry). Isn't that odd?
I hope I find the perfect place and I get to move in March... that's my goal. This apartment was cute for the first two years, but it's undergrown me. Not to mention that the kitchen is so small I was barely able to coordinate a small Solstice dinner. (Don't ask me where we ate it. I have no tables.) And that gets annoying after four years. So does the lack of control over my environment.
smiley - bubbly
Well, a preemptive Happy New Year's to most of everyone; those of you following the Chinese lunar calendar will get another Happy New Year of the Horse (complete with a lovely smiley - oj-style cup of green smiley - tea) around February 12th, I believe it is? Anyway, catch me if you can. The clock has started.
smiley - thief

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Latest reply: Dec 30, 2001


smiley - star
Well, I missed the christmuse dinner... smiley - sadface
..But I updated the Cube's answer page smiley - smiley
Yet I didn't get to all my postings... smiley - erm
...But I updated my page and went on a Crusade, and I also jotted down lots of nifty links to check out and look up.
smiley - bluefish
Yes, I added a couple little bits to my page, and checked up on my fledgling entries (all you Muses: Look for the Spa!) Actually, there are a number of things that I have involvement with that haven't been updated to show my contributions... But I know many people are busy. I just fear people not being able to find my little contributions, and having them dwindle away...
smiley - elf
When I start a Pokemon League, I suppose that'll go up on the SSS page of the Musehome, won't it? It'll be a site/society run by a Muse...
smiley - geek
Umm, is anyone out there? I need involvement!!
Actually, what I noticed that's really odd, is that IRL I don't bother much reaching out to new individuals; I'd rather strengthen my connections to the friends I alreayd have. On the Guide, it seems I'm constantly reaching out. Hmm, I could go into interesting psychology on that...
smiley - rose
I'm feeling better today than I was yesterday. It can suck having a spiritual illness. But I regain strength when I can.
And I'm already into Return of the King in the Lord of the Rings... and Walleye Priestess makes it home in 6 days, and Dancer's healthy again, and well, all the rest of you seem oot and aboot and doing well enough (condolences to Ottox, though)....
smiley - cappuccino
I'm signing off. I think I'll be able to build up the Inspiration Spa before the holiday rush is over, so that people can relax; over break if not by the New Year I'll have a Pokemon League, and...
smiley - rocket
I'll find the damn Superheroes and Supervillains societies if it takes me all next month!!!!
smiley - wizard

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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2001

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