Journal Entries


Had my op on Wednesday - for those of you I haven't already moaned to, I had to go for a laparoscopy (that how you spell it?). I had a lovely morning in hospital, then they gave me lots of drugs and cut me. Ouch! And after all that, they found nowt! smiley - grr

Ah well - I got lots of lovely attention from my family and a cool scar! Still hurts though, and I can't drink, what with the painkillers I've got. Only got 3 tablets to take though...!

Anyways, sorry I haven't been around, that's why - and I've been getting ready for Santa time too. Which reminds me...

smiley - holly Happy Christmas!* smiley - holly

* For those of you who don't celebrate it as Christmas, happy Winterval or Winter Equinox or whatever you call it smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Dec 23, 2002

Work work work...

....what is a girl to do? I haven't been around much lately but what with work, radio and about 50 things to do for uni, things have been a bit hectic.

New flat's still nice though. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Nov 13, 2002

I'm singin' in the rain.....

There can't be THAT much water in the sky, surely?!

Went to see the Hallowe'en double bill at the Cameo the other night - Night of the Living Dead and the Wicker Man. Forgot how funny the first film is ("they're coming for you, Barbara, they're coming to get you", "well, they're dead, they're pretty messed up") and how scary the second one is. Mind you, isn't Christopher Lee fantastic? smiley - biggrin One of his best roles ever, in my opinion. And that hair!

Downside? One of my friends fell asleep at the last ten minutes, after laughing constantly from the beginning of NOTLD - I couldn't believe it!! How can you fall asleep at what must be one of the creepiest moments in film? Well, she did have a few *lemonades* beforehand smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2002

Fun and games....and still no essay!

Was going to get the essay started on Thursday. The Australian Pink Floyd soon put a stop to that! First gig I've been to in 2 years (I kid you not) but it was well worth it. Musically, the guys are all accomplished musicians. As for lookey-likiness? Well, let's just say if you closed your eyes you could believe it was the real Floyd on stage, although one of the guitarists looks like Bill Bailey...well, it's a start!

All in all, a fantastic gig, and they were on for 2 and a half hours too. Got me a really cool t-shirt, only thing is, it's XXL. I've been likened to Gandalf whilst wearing it. smiley - tongueout

And of course, there was Saturday. I didn't get too drunk, I wasn't sick, I didn't fall over. The night was a total failure smiley - silly but thanks again DD and FC for dropping me off! smiley - cheers

Sunday, I moved house. Great thing is, my new flat is also a five minute walk from the nearest cinema, yay! The downside is the 3rd floor, but well worth it.

Anyways, on with the essay (and I don't mean this entry). Ho hum...smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2002

(almost) homeless and hungry

Finally moving out of the flat, but I have never had so much trouble in trying to find a new place to live in my life - there must be loads of places I can live!! Lots of ads at uni, but they're either all taken or the flats are manky. Am I destined to live on the streets? Someone will steal my PS2! smiley - wah

Suppose there's always the student flats, although it means I have to find a new place in wonder I haven't started that darn essay smiley - erm

Uni, on the other hand, is going good. Maybe, if I suck up to the year tutor, I can live in a classroom? smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Oct 21, 2002

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