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Who heard me on Radio 2 last night then?

Post 41

Zak T Duck

I meant restart the PC

Mmm brushed aluminium smiley - drool I almost bought my second Aldi PC on Thursday, but for a two year old PC this one's still pretty nippy smiley - smiley

Who heard me on Radio 2 last night then?

Post 42

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Were not totally replacing this machine; there are a few bits we are go in gto take off the tower we've got, one thing we relaly need is a new power suppy as this one is maxed out, and a new case with better cooling, then the new processor branded motherboard the faster RAM I can't remember the damn name of smiley - doh and were going to have either two or three harddrives smiley - erm we are keeping the DVD rewiter and CDrw/cdrom/dvdplayer drives from this (they are actually relaly new; lodger got them and fitted them a week or so ago as a birthday prsent ) smiley - cool not sure yet what processor we'l be getting, but can't relaly say till I decide when I am definately buying it as prices seem to change so quickly smiley - cool and were geting new soundcard smiley - wowsmiley - cool keeping the relaly cool speakers I've got though smiley - biggrin not sure yet about the video card smiley - erm might upgarde the TV card to a digital free to air one smiley - erm not sure though as I hardly ever watch TV anyhow smiley - biggrin Like to get one of the faster reading/writing harddrives for the main drive on the machine, but I'll have to see how far the money will go smiley - bigeyes can't remember now where I saw the alaminium brushed case for sale smiley - erm well I'll ahve to think about all that in Jan sometime after the meet I guess smiley - biggrin upgrading to XP as well then, finally smiley - groansmiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

Who heard me on Radio 2 last night then?

Post 43

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

The link just froze and crashed my computer totally! Not even ctr+alt+dlt would worksmiley - cross

Mind you the filename extension .mp3 probably requires something my 6 year old computer doesn't have. It just took one look at it, then died smiley - crysmiley - rose

Who heard me on Radio 2 last night then?

Post 44

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit running windows98 chased by a firefox
"On clicking it started downloading after finishing the real one launched.

Besides my headphones having some broken wires smiley - silly the file is audible. And I guess it still is somewhere on this 200MC Celeron system. "

Who heard me on Radio 2 last night then?

Post 45

fords - number 1 all over heaven

You should get Winamp, it plays most audio files smiley - smiley

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