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No One Else Will......

Post 1

FairlyStrange I will!LOL

Say you're from around Huntsville.....I'm from Cullman and now reside in Gardendale.

You don't understand the "Southern self degredation"?

We know we're perfect, but can't seem to find anyone who will agree with us...therefore, we keep the world deluded so they think we are as dumb as they think we are!smiley - winkeye

In all seriousness....its' much like a domestic dispute. We can down ourselves, but god forbid anyone else does!

Lighten parents were the children of "sharecroppers" dads' stepfather was a "moonshiner" who was run out of Tennessee, never to be allowed back in the state.

I carry the sirname of Wallace....I don't think I have to explain the fun I have with that....especially since the majority of the workforce I deal with is black.....and I'm the boss.....and from Cullman!LOL

We have a lot to be proud of ...and to be ashamed of, here in the "sunny south". Humour is, sometimes the best way the ONLY deal with it.

By the way....I have a sister who resides in a small "burg" called Mammoth...somewhere just south of you! Enjoy the weather....I hear its' a bit better than we have!smiley - smiley


No One Else Will......

Post 2

Perium: The Dauntless /**=/

Well I said this in response to GTBacchus...

I'm a little bit sick of hearing these Europeans sneering the word. If anyone has no right to stick their nose into it, they certainly do not.

It's easy to get a little bit smiley - grr when you talk to them sometimes, particularly when I have to hear about how horrible the USA is, and how niave I am for thinking that no else calls us Yanks but the them. As if just because the whole world calls us that it somehow justifies it.

So I tend to comment on it everytime I see own personal crusadesmiley - winkeye.

In any event, refer to the forum I wrote to Bacchus if you like.

smiley - cheers

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