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Why do people hate pacifists?

Post 1


Hi there, my name's karen and I've been posting on a few mutual conversations. I really liked your last response in Why do people hate america. I'm from the south too, and I'm sick and tired of Brits "sneering" at us. I wanted to mention that when I said that about Tony Blair, I was just telling them how their government does things that THEY probably wouldn't like either, and that they need to stop singling out the US.

Where in the South are you from?

From the "Heart of Dixie" (Roll Tide)--Karen

Why do people hate pacifists?

Post 2

Perium: The Dauntless /**=/

Close enough to know what Roll Tide means.

Born in Chattanooga Tenn. raised in North Alabama. Huntsville for a time, then Florence/Sheffield, Athens, and Scottsboro.

Although these days, money took me to the west and I live in Surprise, Arizona. But my entire family lives in all of the aforementioned places. Actually, my grandmother owned a bed and breakfast in Elkmont, just n/o athens.

As far as these a**holes sneering at us, someone had to say something and I for one am a little sick and tired of listening to their holier than thou b.s. Their gov'ts are just as bad. And if the New Zealander's think that I wasn't talking to them too, I'll clarify trust me.

In any case, pleased to meet you ma'am.
(tips hat)

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