This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Greetings, ZSF

Post 1


By a somewhat random series of mouse clicks I ended up on the Birthday page today (okay, not that random since there's a link on my page), and discovered it's your birthday.

So, happy birthday!
smiley - cupcake

Greetings, ZSF

Post 2

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thank you brosmiley - smiley!

How lovely of you to post. I'm having a nice day so far. smiley - disco Pootled about and went to an exhibition - or rather didn't - I found out that it smiley - ermoperates Tuesday to Saturday!

I hope you're having a great day too.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Greetings, ZSF

Post 3


Whoops - just found out I'm late for your birthday too! I hope that your day was great and that the year ahead will be full of possibility for you!

smiley - cakeW

Greetings, ZSF

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Woodpigeon! smiley - smiley

Thank you! Are you back from your travels now?

The birthday was quite fun. I too am hoping that this year will be much better than last!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Greetings, ZSF

Post 5



I am always doing a bit of travelling, particularly at the moment where I am working in one city, but living in another. I'm beginning to become intimately acquainted with Irish Rail.

Are you still going to Toastmasters? I'm taking a step back this year due to work commitments.

Greetings, ZSF

Post 6

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Yes, it did occur to me that you spend an awful lot of time travelling, Woodpigeon.

I'm still involved with Toastmasters - I was asked if I wanted to stand as president and decided I didn't have the bandwidth at the moment. I'm VPE Public Relations, although I feel a bit of a fraud at the moment. On the other hand, I continued to be Treasurer for quite a while after I gave it up and still have things to do on that front. It's ages since I gave a speech and I've been nailed down to do one in October (I think).

How are you doing on the speeches front? Has your term as President come to an end?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Greetings, ZSF

Post 7


Yes - I was PRO last year and I enjoyed it enormously. I was president the previous year. When I was president, I was presiding over a club that was going nowhere. We only had 16 members, and some of them were asking themselves if they really should continue. So, we changed venue, got a website and started to push our name, and in one year alone we got 8 new members. This year we expect to manage this target quite easily.

I'm taking a step back this year because of work commitments. I'm in Dublin all the time. Today I managed to attend the local Toastmasters meeting, but it was an exception. Most of the time, I expect to be away.

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