This is the Message Centre for Ludwig the Labrador

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 21

Ludwig the Labrador

*quietly - for a dog, that is - sneaks up behind cat*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 22

Cyril the Cat

*does triple backflip over dog, catches canary, and bats smiley - dogs tail*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 23

Ludwig the Labrador

*gives cat a punch on the nose, causing him to loose grip on canary*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 24

Cyril the Cat

since when can dogs punch?smiley - huh

*recoils, hisses, and retreats to the top of the highest bookshelf around*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 25

Ludwig the Labrador

*left paw, Cyril, left paw*

*are you alright, canary?*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 26

Cyril the Cat

*launches another wave of smiley - flan, knocking smiley - dog in the nose and out of the air*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 27

Ludwig the Labrador

smiley - grr

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 28

Cyril the Cat

smiley - nahnah

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 29

Shorn Canary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses

Squeak-tsweep-tweet-groan. Oh, my head. What happened? How long have I been unconscious? Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? .....

Groan. It's all coming back to me now. I was attacked by a maniac ....... or was it that playful cat, Cyril? ..... Yes. That was it! And the heroic Ludwig saved my life - THANKS LUDWIG! What a goodog! What better friend could a canary ask for?

*finds a piece of warm, wet, sticky, well-chewed chewing gum. Flies in low over smug smiley - cat and sticks it firmly to the back of his head, where he can't reach it*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 30

Cyril the Cat

*can't reach gum*smiley - cross

*launches another hairball at canary*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 31

Cyril the Cat

smiley - flan

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 32

Ludwig the Labrador

*smiley - tickle cat*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 33

Shorn Canary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses

Careful Ludwig, Cyril is apt to unzip your nose if you tickle him while he's still fuming smiley - laugh

There are no 2 materials existing in nature, so attracted to each other and so reluctant to part company, as cat fur and chewing gum. Right well, I'm off now, before that smiley - cat tries to kill me again smiley - run

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 34

Cyril the Cat

*returns after looong nap*

smiley - grr

*really p****d*
*rolls around trying to rid himself of gum*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 35

Titania (gone for lunch)


*goes away and returns with lump of ice*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 36

Ludwig the Labrador

*wags tail apologizingly*

*accidentally posted while sister was logged on*


*goes away and returns with lump of ice*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 37

Shorn Canary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses

*hops about twittering, agitated*

What are you going to do with that lump of ice? Cyril's having such fun with his chewing gum - just look at him, rolling around and enjoying himself. You wouldn't begrudge him his cute widdle puddy cat hijinx, would you?

smiley - run

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 38

Ludwig the Labrador

*waiting for the smiley - cat to stop squirming*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 39

Shorn Canary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses

*Finds a nice high perch and tucks head under wing. Can't bear to watch poor Ludwig get reduced to a messy pile of giblets by the spinning collection of fun-loving smiley - cat sharp bits.*

Completely Uninterested Cat

Post 40

Cyril the Cat

*eyes Ludwig carefully*

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