This is the Message Centre for I am not a number I am a free Hitchhiker

welcome Free Hitchhiker...

Post 21

I am not a number I am a free Hitchhiker

smiley - blush don't know what you mean Galaxt Babe smiley - erm happy with smiley - stoutsmiley - ale and,tea>smiley - cheerssmiley - cuddle

welcome Free Hitchhiker...

Post 22


~discretely leaves~ smiley - winkeye

welcome Free Hitchhiker...

Post 23

I am not a number I am a free Hitchhiker

smiley - yikes don't do thatsmiley - wah need all the friends I can find smiley - grovel in a smiley - planet that's losing it's TOWEL smiley - groan

welcome Free Hitchhiker...

Post 24


smiley - run ~rushes back~
No worries. smiley - cheerup I'm just a click away! smiley - ok

Plenty towels here, mon! smiley - cool

Also good smiley - ale and friends to help you drink it!

smiley - cheers

welcome Free Hitchhiker...

Post 25

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin
I've got my towel!
Here, have one of my sparessmiley - gift
smiley - cheerup

welcome Free Hitchhiker...

Post 26

I am not a number I am a free Hitchhiker

smiley - angelsmiley - flyhiglad to here thatsmiley - biggrin popping out for a couple of smiley - stouts my self. Give your smiley - ale buddies my regards, and thanks for the towels smiley - cheerssmiley - hug

welcome Free Hitchhiker...

Post 27

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You're welcome. Of course you could always join us for aorhere:

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