This is the Message Centre for twosheds

Yikes, a teacher!

Post 1


Hello Twosheds!smiley - ok
I seem to have arrived here before an ACE has turned up to welcome you officially (I suspect they're rather busy since last night's Douglas Adams 'Omnibus'). Just saw your rather interesting monicker in the Who's Online list and thought I'd pop over to investigate and say hello. I almost ran away again when I discovered that you're a teacher, mind you!
Anyway, welcome aboard, and I'm sure I'll see you around the site!smiley - ale

Yikes, a teacher!

Post 2


Do not be mislead or concerned, I'm on HOLIDAY!

Yikes, a teacher!

Post 3

Researcher PSG

Hello and Welcome to H2G2
I have just popped by to say hello and suggest a few places you could visit to help you get used to the guide.smiley - smiley
If you have just arrived and are a bit dazed and confused about what and how to contribute to the guide, the first stop is FAQ: guide entries:
Now a visit to Peer Review is recommended to get you used to the recommendation process [how entrys get into the guide] and so you can see what other people have done. You can also learn how to join in and make your voice heard about a proposed entry:
Another good place to visit is the writing workshop, this is where people take entrys they need help with:
Another feature is the University of Life, this is where people run detailed projects that can bipass peer review, a good place to start is to look at the Current University Projects:

Now this should get you used to the main places in the guide but it is recommended you go for a wander around using the buttons on the main bar.

Well that is a whistle stop intro, hope it's helpful.

Researcher PSG

p.s Oh the page on Smileys is also worth a visit:

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