
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A88029877 - The Eurasian Nuthatch [4]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029750 - 'Villette' - a Novel by Charlotte Bronte [3]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029642 - 'Shirley' - a Novel by Charlotte Bronte [4]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029660 - 'The Professor' - a Novel by Charlotte Bronte [4]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029859 - Redwings - Birds in the Thrush Family [4]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029624 - Breastfeeding - a Mother's View [5]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029822 - 'Deutschlandlied', the German National Anthem [4]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029732 - The Life and Works of Emily Bronte [5]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029714 - Teresa Higginson - Saintly but Not a Saint [4]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029903 - Cattle Egrets [3]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029697 - Elizabeth Cochrane aka Nellie Bly - Investigative Journalist [4]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88029976 - Sacheen Littlefeather and Marlon Brando's Oscar Refusal [3]No PostingJun 1, 2023
Peer Review: A88016259 - "L'Homme Arme: a mass for Peace," 2000, by Karl Jenkins [11]No PostingMay 31, 2023
Peer Review: A88029679 - The Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte [3]No PostingMay 31, 2023
Peer Review: A88029651 - Deadly Life Insurance Schemes [3]No PostingMay 31, 2023

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Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Researcher U182089

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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