
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A88029499 - An Introduction to Crochet [3]No PostingMay 31, 2023
Peer Review: A1108540 - Napier's Bones - a 17th Century Aid to Calculation [7]No PostingMay 30, 2023
Peer Review: A88016277 - The Wind Phone: A Way to Deal with Grief [7]No PostingMay 29, 2023
Announcement 2023-05-25: Happy Towel Day! [8]No PostingMay 28, 2023
Peer Review: A88027518 - Zorro: Swashbuckling Hero and Role Model [6]No PostingMay 27, 2023
Peer Review: A88028706 - There Is a Happy Land: A Musical Journey [12]No PostingMay 27, 2023
Peer Review: A88028715 - Major Sibley's Tent [8]No PostingMay 23, 2023
Peer Review: A88028751 - Helen Keller Plays the Palace: A Vaudeville Story [4]No PostingMay 20, 2023
Peer Review: A88028094 - The Vertical Plane: A Ghostly Story of Microcomputers and Time Anomalies [4]No PostingMay 18, 2023
Peer Review: A88026564 - The Bear's Foster Mother: The Story of Bruno and Ursula [4]No PostingMay 16, 2023
Peer Review: A88028085 - The Mugshot: A Brief History [7]No PostingMay 15, 2023
Peer Review: A88027482 - In Search of the Unbreakable Comb [4]No PostingMay 15, 2023
Eurovision 2023 [34]No PostingMay 13, 2023
Peer Review: A88027509 - The American Chestnut: The Campaign to Save the Trees [4]No PostingMay 13, 2023
Peer Review: A88027473 - Beef Vegetable Gumbo: Simple and Filling [4]No PostingMay 13, 2023

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Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Researcher U182089

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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