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The problem with ordering swords online is that you never get to see them, beforehand. How do you really know what you're getting? Prices are usually a lot better online, but you may just be getting gipped on a sword. So I'm going to start wandering through knife and sword shops, picking them up, and examining them carefully. Some things won't show up under a momentary examination, but a lot will, so I'll be able to post reviews of them up here. I don't know if they'll ever get read, at least usefully, but what the hell?

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2001

Armor & Weapons (D&D?)

Well, while I was at my rapier lesson today, Chris got set off on a rant about the way old editions of D&D refers to "plate mail," and how this evil misnomer has caused him no end of ire over the years. "There's plate, and there's mail! There is no plate mail!" he ranted. I'll have to take his word on that one.
Still, it might be fun to write an article about historical types of armor. I noticed that my D&D 3E PHB doesn't call it plate mail. They call it half plate or full plate, pretty much.
And they don't have ring mail, either, which is something else that, apparently, the old D&D books butchered.
However, I don't think I'll ever forgive the 3E PHB for butchering the picture of the rapier in the equipment section...

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Latest reply: Jul 26, 2001

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