This is the Message Centre for Whisky
Nice to meet, at least
Yael Smith Started conversation May 18, 2009
We've been posting in the same forums over the years and I was just thinking that, finally, it's time to say hello.
I'm Elly, nice to meet you.
What are you up to these days?
Nice to meet, at least
Whisky Posted May 18, 2009
Yes, we do seem to have been around here for years - although I seem to be posting less and less nowadays - which is partly because I can't post from work at the moment.
I got shipped out to work at one of our customer's sites - and my 'boss' here is the perfect example of why someone who is good at their job should be kept in it and not promoted to a management position.
But, on the plus side, it's extra money - so I shouldn't really complain too much.
Nice to meet, at least
Yael Smith Posted May 19, 2009
You can complain all you like. I actually enjoy complaints, if that's possible.
As for me, I'm just finishing my first year on my teaching degree back in good old Blighty and am now facing a 4 months long summer holiday...
It would have been great if I could travel the world or go and work in Camp America or whatnot, but I have 2 kids at home (not including my husband) and no money. Hurrah!
So we'll be off to Israel in July and that will probably be the height of our summer. Oh well.
How long have you been on hootoo? I joined just before went down and have been a member for the last 8 years. Or is it 9?? Dunno.
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Nice to meet, at least
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