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Mad Auntie....
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Started conversation Dec 9, 2008
.... It was Psycorp who called me that
A44319945 Read his number 2 favourite: Random Ramblings
Bel thought it was hilarious!
Btw, I've added you to my friends list, that's if you don't mind
lil xx
Mad Auntie of Hootoo
Mad Auntie....
Whisky Posted Dec 9, 2008
Feel free to add me to your list... As long as you don't mind reading my occasional rambles/whinges in my journal
I don't think you're mad by the way...
Just slightly unique!
Mad Auntie....
Whisky Posted Dec 9, 2008
Oops - I appear to have gained a lodger... Or a squatter, not sure which yet...
Erm. Do you want to know the rent now or shall I just bill you for the space at the end of the month?
Mad Auntie....
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Dec 9, 2008
Oh, just send it to my agent:
c/o Prof Animal Chaos
Fools Guild
The Towers
H2 G2
It's nice in here!
*opens cupboards and delves into drawers*
Mad Auntie....
Whisky Posted Dec 9, 2008
We've only just been introduced and you're already trying to get into my drawers?
Erm... Now the question is, do I run away or just lie back and think of England?
Mad Auntie....
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Feb 3, 2009
All we need now, are my daughters Virtuouschuffed and Vicki Virago to jump in!
*hides behind her Matt*
Now, what was whisky like as a child?
Mad Auntie....
Whisky Posted Feb 3, 2009
If who I think is behind that Wolfspirit account is actually who I think it is...
°°°reads back what he's written°°°
Did that actually make any sense whatsover?
Anyway - If it is who I think it is then it brings up two points...
1) How the heck did you find me on here?
2) How long is it going to take me to check 8 years of backlog to make sure I haven't said anything too insulting about you...
Mad Auntie....
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Feb 3, 2009
*rummages through the threads*
Oooh! I hope that isn't who you think it is.. I've just found something REALLY juicy here!
Aaah, look! I've found a photo of you in short pants. Bless!
Mad Auntie....
w0lfspirit Posted Feb 8, 2009
In response to you question am I who you think I am .... am I going to admit to that????
Point number one, you would be surprised on where I may pop up, I am not the only one who is a smart arse
Point number two, <<>>> thats because yes you probably said something very insulting about me over the time and even if you havent then the slap is definitely long over due...
Now I wonder how many secrets and photos can I put on here that you would love to be exposed ????
All bribes greatfully recieved to keep them under wraps...
Oh and by the way I do have a phone number you know
Mad Auntie....
Whisky Posted Feb 10, 2009
Oh god! That does it... Time to leave the country...
Oh, I forgot, I've already left... And if anyone's looking for the reason - just look what I had to put up with!
I've had decades of being bullied by my big sister and now I can't even escape her on here
Just as well you can't post photos on here though.
Mad Auntie....
w0lfspirit Posted Feb 13, 2009
well considering this is the only place I can talk to you , as you forget I exist otherwise .....
so hows life living out of a hotel room going?? Some people just have all the luck.... no food to cook ... can i come too
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Mad Auntie....
- 1: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 9, 2008)
- 2: Whisky (Dec 9, 2008)
- 3: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 9, 2008)
- 4: Whisky (Dec 9, 2008)
- 5: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 9, 2008)
- 6: Whisky (Dec 9, 2008)
- 7: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 9, 2008)
- 8: Whisky (Dec 9, 2008)
- 9: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 9, 2008)
- 10: w0lfspirit (Feb 2, 2009)
- 11: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Feb 3, 2009)
- 12: Whisky (Feb 3, 2009)
- 13: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Feb 3, 2009)
- 14: w0lfspirit (Feb 8, 2009)
- 15: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Feb 8, 2009)
- 16: Whisky (Feb 8, 2009)
- 17: w0lfspirit (Feb 8, 2009)
- 18: Whisky (Feb 10, 2009)
- 19: w0lfspirit (Feb 13, 2009)
- 20: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Feb 13, 2009)
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