This is the Message Centre for Whisky

~smack~ - you're it!!!!

Post 1



Thought me would say hello...

H E L L O !!!

You there....

Hello... hello...hello !!!!!

Tis me...

I like those pyjamas you are wearing... very becoming... ~grin~


You fell asleep again????



~smack~ - you're it!!!!

Post 2


Huuuhhh!!! Arrrrgghh!!!

Oh, sorry, you woke me up...

Well then, how is my favourite cat then? And where on earth have you been all this time? Off on a doughnut safari?

Oh, and could you turn your back whilst I change out of these pyjamas... They were really not designed to be seen in polite society!

~smack~ - you're it!!!!

Post 3


~Greebo bounces excitedly up and down~

You awake... you such a sleepy head me thinks... ~grin~

My disapearance is top secret... me could tell you but then me would have to sit on you until you give up the will to live... ~shocked grin~... Me would not want to do that so maybe tis best if me not say...

Don't you worry about the pyjama's... there are so rather nice holes hear and there.... me quite likes... ~ebil grin~

In fact me is looking at that hole there... my oh my!!!!!!!!

~smack~ - you're it!!!!

Post 4


Hmm, I can see why you'd give up the will to live after being sat on by you...

After all, what else would there be worth living for after the ultimate experience smiley - winkeye

Oi and stop poking my holes! smiley - blush

~smack~ - you're it!!!!

Post 5


Me does so like poking things...

~poke.... poke...~

Me also likes to see those rosey cheeks of yours... ~ebil grin~... both sets!!!!


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