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Test and Deleting discussions thread
SometimesInvisiblePoster Posted Apr 10, 2008
Have followed the link, got into my discussions with delete crosses and replied in thanks.
However, when I go back to h2g2 now the crosses are no longer there and your link now brings me into this reply box, so here goes!
Hope this works
Test and Deleting discussions thread
Captain Malcolm Reynolds Posted Apr 10, 2008
Sorry to butt in, but if you click on your own name in this thread, what do you see?
Test and Deleting discussions thread
Whisky Posted Apr 10, 2008
Hi Capt. Welcome to my little corner...
That should have done it - if you click on your own name now you'll see a short list of your own conversations on the screen... Just below it is a link 'Show more conversations' - click on that and it'll give you a full list - from there you should have the little 'x' in the left hand column...
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