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Post 1


Hi mate hows the last part comeing on. You havent posted it and I missed it...

If you are busy we can polish it off...

Hope things are ok with you.

Bob...smiley - smiley


Post 2


Yikes - sorry -
Hang on a min...


Post 3


Second part...

Nelson remained concious, and was lifted to his feet by two seamen. When approached by Hardy, Nelson is reported to have said, 'They've done for me at last Hardy, my backbone is shot through.'.

He was then carried below to the ship's surgeon, but it was clear to both the surgeon, and Nelson himself, that the Admiral could not survive the wound. Nelson described his symptoms as 'a gush of blood every minute within his breast' and that he could feel nothing of his lower body apart from an acute pain from his spine, where he thought the ball had lodged.

Nelson repeatedly asked to see Hardy, but, because of the battle, it was over an hour before his flag captain could free himself from command for long enough to visit the admiral. When Hardy did appear, one of Nelson's first questions was 'How goes the battle?', to which Hardy responded that they had captured between 12 and 14 of the enemy's ships. He then went on to ask whether any of his own ships had struck their colours and had to be reassured that none of them had surrendered to the enemy.

During this period, Nelson repeatedly told those around him that he was sure that his back was broken and that nothing could be done for him, he even sent the surgeon away from him at one stage, telling the man to treat the other wounded, as, he said 'You can do nothing for me'.


Post 4


More to follow tomorrow lunchtime (the last bit)


Post 5


Hi mate
Marvelous stuff

All added

Bob...smiley - smiley

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