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Hi Uisge Beatha!
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Started conversation Mar 2, 2007
judging from the number of topics you are interested in I can safely ask you to request membership in a club I feel we ought to be founder members of.
What about naming it "The Last Renaissance Princes"? In an age that glorifies the Fachidiot (sorry, the translation "specialized idiot" is not as scathing as the original German insult as we used it in the 60s)notorious sideways thinkers should start boarding the ebony towers crewed by people who know (and care) more and more about less and less.
Btw, I stumbled back onto the "air and .22 shooting" thread and found it pretty have a go or should I?
And, if that gaggle of numbers up there is your phone number: look at the website jajah dot com. Subscribers (it's free) can call each other on their normal telephone for free. I'm at+49 - this is for all hootooers, as I've found you to be a bunch of crazies I'm happy with.
Well, as usual: long rant of gobbledegook, little sense.
Hi Uisge Beatha!
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Posted Mar 2, 2007
Now let's see if I can't cheat some stoopid hootoo software filter!
+four nine five eleven nine one seven o o eight five nine. HA!
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Hi Uisge Beatha!
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