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"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 1


I note with some consternation that your entry A677982 has been, apparently, summarily deleted from the guide, as has A684371 - which has been deleted from the EDITED Guide.

I'm curious - have you had any indication as to why, or when it was removed? Were you told? Asked, even?

I'm concerned that some lowbrow knuckledragging yahoo is going through the Edited Guide with a pair of hedge clippers and snipping out anything that he/she finds slightly non-U. I can only wonder whether the fine people contributing entries to Peer Review are aware that they could very well be wasting their time and effort contributing here.

Any thoughts?


"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 2


smiley - erm

Nope, not heard a single thing about it...

Now, this might sound like a silly question but which entry was it anyway? (it's monday morning, I haven't had any coffee and can't figure out which (if any) of my entries are missing)

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 3


smiley - yikes

Figured it out...

smiley - headhurts As far as I can remember we went through hoops to assure that was a non-political unbiaised entry - the original author had done most of the work, I just tidied it up and got it through PR... but as you say, someone's going through the guide with a fine tooth comb here picking it to pieces...

Mail going to the italics now to find out what's going on...

(One can but hope they'll be able to supply an answer)

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 4

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

But they are now very few and far between!!! What if they miss the e-mail! smiley - yikes

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 5


They won't smiley - winkeye

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 6


"(One can but hope they'll be able to supply an answer)"

They'll definitely be ABLE to supply an answer.

History shows they are usually not WILLING to supply an answer, or at least any kind of honest or meaningful one. There's a first time for everything, of course, but I wouldn't hold you breath...


"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 7


"as you say, someone's going through the guide with a fine tooth comb here picking it to pieces..."

A quick question... now that you know this is going on, and that you've personally been picked on, does this experience:

(a) galvanise and inspire you to expend time and effort creating interesting content and posting it on this site? or
(b) make you realise your contribution is regarded with contempt as disposable s**t and consider taking your obvious talents elsewhere?

Or somewhere in between?

Just curious...


"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 8


Erm, I must admit, they picked the exact entry to avoid either of those feelings in me...

If they'd picked one that was all my own work I'd probably be more irate... (not to name any entry's, but I'm sure you can look down the list and find one on a similar subject that could well be considered far more contentious!

To be honest what winds me up most about this is finding out about it from you Hoo and not from an e-mail smiley - sadface

(These opinions of course are subject to change once I've had my morning's fix of caffeine smiley - winkeye)

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 9


Peet seems to have figured out that the original copy was plagiarized smiley - erm

smiley - blacksheep

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 10


See F19585?thread=288228&post=4151585#p4151422

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 11


I noticed... smiley - steam

I'll be along to post shortly

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 12


Remember we're all on your side smiley - cheerup We want the entry reinstated too

smiley - blacksheep

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 13


Hi Whisky,

sorry to barge in on your thread like this, but i've been looking at some (very) old threads on my PS and noticed that your Lascaux grotto entry has been deleted.

An h2g2 search on either key word from the title throws up nil... smiley - sadface

just wondered if you were aware of this.


"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 14


smiley - erm You mean this one A666867

Doesn't look deleted to me smiley - winkeye

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 15


how odd. smiley - sadface My h2g2 search didn't find anything. And I *definitely* clicked on a link from the PR thread that came to a deleted article...

sorry for the false alarum. smiley - smiley


"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 16


You probably ran across the unedited original version - I tend to delete those once the edited versions gone into the guide - it saves getting a double return on the search engines and reduces the clutter under my space.

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 17


hmm, good policy. smiley - ok

and i must have fluffed my original search, coz a further attempt threw up your edited entry.

"This guide entry has been deleted by the author" - yeah, sure it has.

Post 18


Simulpost... the answer to your problem lies in my previous post... a PR thread would point to the unedited A number - and that one no longer exists...

Having said that, I just typed 'Lascaux' into the search engine and it returned the entry as N°1... probably just the Syrius Cybernetics Corporation Search Engine they use on this site smiley - winkeye

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