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Will you stop bloody moaning!
Mina Started conversation Sep 23, 2003
Having to spell long words is something my son complains about. And he's only 8! I don't expect it from you.
Will you stop bloody moaning!
Whisky Posted Sep 23, 2003
I happen to like moaning... even moreso if I manage to annoy you in the process
What does it feel like to have absolute power over the h2g2 community now anyway... - you're not going to go all 'power-crazed' on us now Abi's left you to your own devices are you?
Will you stop bloody moaning!
Mina Posted Sep 23, 2003
Sam says that I should say it feels great, you're banned for life.
What I say is that because we're now all doing a little bit of everything (holiday cover is going to be interesting!) I have to discuss things with the whole team now, instead of just one person. They need to know what I do and how I do it so that they can cover for me (when the bullets start flying ) when I'm away. So I have 'more' people trying to talk me into being reasonable, rather than a power-crazed maniac.
Will you stop bloody moaning!
Whisky Posted Sep 23, 2003
You wouldn't ban me! I'm much too lovable, charming, witty, intelligent etc...
(oh! and modest too!)
As for holidays You think you're getting any more holidays?
I have it on good authority that the delivery men were seen carrying in several bunk beds into Bush House yesterday... You know that broom cupboard down the corridor... you're all going to be living in there from now on
Will you stop bloody moaning!
Mina Posted Sep 23, 2003
I'd better be getting more holidays - I'm going to the Dutch meet at the weekend. I'll be off Friday lunchtime, then not back until Tuesday.
And I've warned them about you and your Rolf Harris obsession!
Will you stop bloody moaning!
Whisky Posted Sep 23, 2003
Ooh! Lucky you! I could do with an excuse for a drunken weekend too
As for Rolf... I can't help it... it's just this thing I have for bearded australians!
(For god's sake don't tell Wowbagger! )
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Will you stop bloody moaning!
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