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I think I need your help!
zendevil Started conversation Jul 6, 2003
Hi whisky!
We've bumped into each other on hootoo in various places; I'm living in Angoulême.
I'm currently having fairly major problems with tiscali trying to get my internet access sorted; I am not exactly computer literate, nor a fluent French speaker; do you think there is any way you might be able to help?
Several people have recommended you!
I think I need your help!
zendevil Posted Jul 7, 2003
Hi Whisky!
Basically, I had a dial-up "forfait illimité" connection with tiscali, was eventually seduced into getting ADSL, they sent the new modem, my friend Lorenzo (tame ) plugged it in & away I went.
Then, after about a week, a message appeared on screen saying I hadn't paid my bill & internet access was cut.
The bill was paid & access restored BUT the new modem didn't work. Lorenzo phoned them, after a lot of hassle,they said "We will check the line, meanwhile, you can use the old modem"
So I did, OK, it's a hassle 'cos I can't use phone at same time but better than nowt.
THEN discovered I was using this on a pay-per visit basis, NOT the unlimited access contract I had before!!!
Quelle horreur!! I had been online almost continually!
Eventually, they said "it's not the phone line, must be the USB port, try again", so Lorenzo reappears, nope, not that. He takes the modem back to his place to try on his computer & voila!!!
It doesn't work! This modem is dead. It is a sick modem. It has departed this mortal coil.
So now, I am trying to find out what the hell I do next & whether I can get them to pay some of the horrendous phone bill which will inevitably arrive.
They have "very generously" offered me 3 free hours surfing; to claim this I have to go to "My computer" & change various settings.Loup d'argent has kindly translated this by email for me; but where the hell do I find "my computer"? I know I seem thick, well in this respect I am!
Any help much appreciated, if I had a tame froggie here in person, they could probably get this sorted in no time,but I haven't. Not surprisingly, Lorenzo's had enough of all this.
(ps: if you want to email, my address is mind-blowingly obvious, at the name of the company concerned, point, abbreviated version of where we live.
I think I need your help!
Whisky Posted Jul 7, 2003
Firstly, whilst the correct translation of 'My Computer' is 'Mon Ordinateur' ... Microsoft, being a real pain in the neck as usual, have called it 'Poste du Travail' in French...
What you're looking for is an Icon on the screen (usually a picture of a computer itself...
If you let me know exactly what they're asking you to change I should be able to point you in the right direction...
my e-mail is whisky12345 at hotmail dot com
I think I need your help!
zendevil Posted Jul 7, 2003
Briliant, Whisky, you're a real life-saver!
I shall email you with the whole sad trail of Franglais nonsense that is my internet life tonight. I have first of all to recover from the joys of Champion & The Shopping Expedition from Hell (sans )!
Plus EDF, a delight which only those of us who have experiencded France Telecom & lived can appreciate.
C'est la vie & all that!
At least there are compensations. Special offers "pour les vacances"; beaucoup de etc.
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I think I need your help!
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