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toybox Started conversation Mar 21, 2006
Hey there! It seems the name of that whisky can also be used as a test whether you've had too much
I couldn't help thinking of this scene in the movie 'les tontons flingueurs'
Whisky Posted Mar 21, 2006
Jeez! That stuff's likely to be lethal!
It's much more than a publicity stunt though...
Firstly, they'll have to crank up the stills to achieve that level of ABV (and probably have to evacuate a 5-mile perimeter around the distillery in case the things go bang!
Secondly, most 'decent' cask-strength bottlings are made from casks chosen _after_ they've been aged... If you have to pick the individual cask prior to aging there's no 100% guarantee you'll get a good whisky after ten years.
Still, it'd be quite an experience trying to drink the stuff!
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