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Summer h2g2 Meet-UP
Gnomon - time to move on Started conversation Jun 11, 2002
Whisky, will you be going to the July Meet-Up in London? I haven't made up my mind yet - I want to make sure there are a few people I know there before I commit myself to the Airline Reservation. It's on Saturday 20 July somewhere in Central London.
Summer h2g2 Meet-UP
Whisky Posted Jun 17, 2002
I'm honestly not sure yet, but I'll let you know ASAP...
Mind you, I went to the last one and didn't know anyone either, with the exception of Titania, Mina/Linda and the Italics I'd never spoken with anyone there before, I still had a great time though
Summer h2g2 Meet-UP
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Jun 17, 2002
I've decided to go, and Azara, who I know, is going as well. So if you go, you'll at least know me.
Summer h2g2 Meet-UP
Whisky Posted Jun 17, 2002
A lot depends on whether I get my Passport back in time, a long story, but I'm now wandering around France without a Passport, so I can't actually leave the country at the moment
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Summer h2g2 Meet-UP
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