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hi whisky..
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Started conversation May 27, 2002
i have a question about peer review..i have almost finished an entry..(wade's taken weeks to do..)'s got too big for my digibox access to cope with..(can no longer add anything to it)..would it be acceptable to split it in two halves..joined with a link?..
hi whisky..
Whisky Posted May 27, 2002
Hi there, sorry for taking so long to get back to you...
I'm no authority on the matter but I'm sure if you can't do it any other way then it'll be ok to split the entry up... the in-house team can always try and put it back together again once its gone through PR and I'm sure they'd be happy to get an edited entry into the guide by whatever means possible... having said that, they sometimes split entries if they're over 3000 words anyway.
Just put a note into the Peer Review thread when you start it letting everyone know where the second entry is and links between the two entries into the entries themselves (Entry 2 to Entry 1 _and_ entry 1 to Entry 2).
Best of luck with it
hi whisky..
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted May 27, 2002
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hi whisky..
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