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It said something different?
Peta Started conversation Apr 17, 2002
Yeah, it did, well spotted!
That's what I wanted to say. I then decided that it could be catering to a troll and that it might be an opening for a discussion, so I changed it!
It said something different?
Peta Posted Apr 17, 2002
Yes me too. It's hard to resist hammering people like that into the ground. We have gay people on the team! Argggghhhhhh!!!!!!
It said something different?
Whisky Posted Apr 17, 2002
To be honest, I couldn't have cared less about what he thought, until he started forcing it down my throat on PR. If he wants that point of view that's his problem. (I tend to have the same response to Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons)... believe what you will, don't force it on the rest of us!
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It said something different?
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