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Help me!
Mauritania Started conversation Apr 3, 2002
Since you know everything, can you solve a problem.
A meson, the size of lemon (exaduation) is causing major problems,do you know how to disablise it, so the Plasma stream can get through without being ionised.
Help me!
Whisky Posted Apr 3, 2002
* thinks*
There is a simple method of sorting out your problem... it involves the addition of an 's' particle, being the seventh item in the etoain shrdlu series. Once this particle has formed a bond with the meson and the configuration of the whole has altered itself you will find your mess is sorted out....
in short
meson + s = no mess
Help me!
Mauritania Posted Apr 3, 2002
Cushty, I have an older particle system that has no Specialised atomic array of creating 's' atoms.
Can you tell me if it is safe to clear the passage by using a neutron surge to deionise the Meson to a neutral charge, making it safe to pass plasma through with ionisation of the plasma and ignore the Meson altogether?
Help me!
Whisky Posted Apr 3, 2002
On a more serious note, if I had been made aware of the antiquity of your system I would of course not have made my first recommendation...
Seeing as your archaic and obviously delapidated system is completely blocked by this errant meson, and that you seem to have no other safe way of removing it, I would offer two alternatives.
1 - Ex-Lax
2 - A sink plunger
Help me!
Mauritania Posted Apr 4, 2002
A sink-plugger worked, the meson fell straight through the space time continuim and is no longer my problem just another version of me in another dimension has another large meson to worry about.
Ha, Ha !!!!
Thanks you, (English)
Thanks mate, (Australian)
Merci beacoup, (French)
Flituant flabagandal. (Vogon)
Help me!
Whisky Posted Apr 4, 2002
You're welcome, If you've any more excruciatingly awkward questions to ask, I'm always pleased to be able to bluff my way through a subjecat about which I no absolutely nothing ...
Alternatively, you could always try asking here...
Help me!
Mauritania Posted Apr 5, 2002
Very funny, now try and bluff you way through this one. The thoery is that the universe is a giant roadsign for oncoimg multiverses. The evidence:
1: In So long and thanks for all the fish they find that the writing on the cliff face is the exact same message you find after major roadworks
2: The answer 42, which the question is 6 X 7 is presuming that these works will take 6 weeks (normal time for roadworks in England) which is 42 days. (which means the roadworks are extremly behind planned completition.
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