This is the Message Centre for Whisky
Welcome to our new ACE
Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... Started conversation Feb 24, 2002
Just a note to welcome you to the ranks of the ACEs
If I can ever help with anything just let me know.
Welcome to our new ACE
Whisky Posted Feb 25, 2002
thanks for the welcome,
Help, well, apart from the fact I seem to be getting attacked by the H2G2 chapter of the Hells oops sorry, Guardian Angels in another thread I'm fine
Welcome to our new ACE
Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... Posted Feb 25, 2002
I hope that it's all in fun ....
As I said if you need a hand ... drop me a link
Welcome to our new ACE
Whisky Posted Feb 25, 2002
don't worry, it's all in good fun.... I hope
It's a longstanding but very funny feud between Kristina/Titania and Me... this particular battle has been started on
Don't worry though, I've got it all under control
Welcome to our new ACE
Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... Posted Feb 25, 2002
Yep - just checked it out - and you DO seem to have it under control
And I have noticed the "sparring" in the Quiz
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Welcome to our new ACE
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